Who is Nell Keddie?

Nell Keddie (1973) Describes Cultural deprivation as a myth and sees this as victim blaming. She argues that a child cannot be deprived of their own culture. The WC fail because they are put at a disadvantage by discrimination from the MC dominated education system.

What is the myth of cultural deprivation sociology?

Cultural deprivation is a theory in sociology where a person has inferior norms, values, skills and knowledge. The theory states that people of lower social classes experience cultural deprivation compared with those above and that this disadvantages them, as a result of which the gap between classes increases.

What is the educational triage?

Educational triage is defined as balancing between the futility or impact of the intervention juxtaposed with the number of students requiring care, the scope of care required, and the resources available for care/interventions.

What did Sugarman argue?

Sugarman argued that differences in the nature of jobs tended to produce differences in attitude and outlook. He argued that these attitudes and orientations were an established part of working-class subculture. Pupils from working-class origins would therefore be socialised in terms of them.

What did Stephen Ball do?

Stephen Ball examined the process of banding at Beachside School in 1981. He observed that most pupils were conformist and eager when they first entered the school, but gradually the behaviour of the children began to diverge.

Which sociologist came up with banding?

historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 22 May 2015. 17 Nov 2021. Numerous sociologists have analysed streaming and banding in schools.

What are pupil subcultures?

Pupil subcultures are groups of students who share some values, norms and behaviour, which give them a sense of identify, and provide them with status through peer-group affirmation.

Why do middle-class pupils do better in education?

Middle-class pupils do better because parents and schools put more effort into their education, according to a study published today. “The parents’ background also increases the school’s effort, which increases the school achievement.

What are the four main values that Sugarman suggested working class students are Socialised into that prevent educational success?

Barry Sugarman (1970) shares their views and argues that working class subculture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement (Fatalism, Collectivism, immediate gratification, present-time orientation).

What kind of sociologist is ball?

Stephen Ball (sociologist) Stephen John Ball, FRSA, FBA, FAcSS (born 21 January 1950) is a British sociologist and the Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education at the Institute of Education of University College London (formerly of the University of London).

What did ball Bowe and Gewirtz?

Ball, Bowe & Gerwitz investigated to see what impact the policies were having. One of the key marketization policies introduced in 1988 was league tables. The researchers concluded that marketisation benefited middle-class children, whose parents took advantage of the system to reinforce their advantages.

What does Nell Keddie do in Tinker Tailor?

In Tinker Tailor: the Myth of Cultural Deprivation Nell Keddie analyses the organisation of classroom knowledge in different ways. As a sociologist, she is keen to analyse streaming and banding in schools, and in particular, to examine the criteria employed by schools which regularly use banding and streaming.

What did Nell Keddie observe in the classroom?

Nell Keddie observed that each teacher had their own particular personal, social and work-related experience to bring to the classroom, and that this informed their individual perceptions of a child’s ability.

When did Nell Keddie study banding and streaming?

While Ball examined the working of a banding system, a study by Nell Keddie (1973) looked at the operation of streaming in a single subject in a large London Comprehensive school.

What was Keddie’s definition of worthwhile knowledge?

Keddie discovered that knowledge defined by teachers as appropriate to the particular course was considered worthwhile; knowledge from the student’s experience which did not fit this definition was considered of little consequence. The knowledge made available to students depended on the teacher’s assessment of their ability to handle it.