Whats the difference between mitigation and preparedness?

Whats the difference between mitigation and preparedness?

In its classical meaning, mitigation refers to a sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate risk to people and property from hazards and their effects. Preparedness can be defined as a state of readiness to respond to a disaster, crisis, or any other type of emergency situation.

What is the difference between mitigation and preparedness quizlet?

Mitigation attempts to eliminate the hazard risk, while preparedness seeks to improve the ability to respond to the consequences of a disaster once it occurs.

What is disaster mitigation and preparedness?

Mitigation measures need to be considered in land use and site planning activities. Necessary mitigation measures need to be built into the design and costing of development projects. Preparedness and focuses on plans to respond to a disaster threat or occurrence.

What is the difference of preparedness phase to mitigation phase of disaster?

The mitigation and preparedness phases occur as disaster management improvements are made in anticipation of a disaster event. Mitigation – Minimizing the effects of disaster. Examples: building codes and zoning; vulnerability analyses; public education. Preparedness – Planning how to respond.

How do preparedness and mitigation reduce risk?

Hazard mitigation planning reduces the risk to people and property, and reduces the cost of recovering from a disaster. A hazard mitigation plan can help communities become more sustainable and disaster-resistant by focusing efforts on the hazards, disaster-prone areas and identifying appropriate mitigation actions.

What is an example of mitigation?

Examples of mitigation actions are planning and zoning, floodplain protection, property acquisition and relocation, or public outreach projects. Examples of preparedness actions are installing disaster warning systems, purchasing radio communications equipment, or conducting emergency response training.

What are the two types of mitigation?

The usual division of mitigation into two (2) categories — (1) structural and (2) non-structural (Alexander 2002) — is intended to denote the importance of integrated planning in mitigation; that is, the kind of planning which efficiently balances a combination of engineering solutions (like moving homes) with …

What is the difference between preparedness and mitigation?

Preparedness and mitigation both involve response to crises and are both concerned with preventing the worse consequences of a crisis or disaster. Although mitigation and preparedness are similar terms, there are important differences. These differences include the following.

How is mitigation related to emergency preparedness and reconstruction?

Mitigation plans and activities are, in practice, usually medium to long term, and mitigation is the cornerstone of emergency management since it is an example where thinking ahead pays off in the long run. Terminologically, mitigationis related to two other concepts of long-term planning: reconstructionand preparedness.

How is mitigation related to other long term planning concepts?

Terminologically, mitigationis related to two other concepts of long-term planning: reconstructionand preparedness. Reconstruction means repair or rebuilding, and preparedness means getting ready or practicing to respond.

Which is an example of a mitigation factor?

Previously, mitigation factors were discussed for wildfire, tornado, and tsunami. Some examples of a preparedness activity is to create an emergency communications plan, establishing meeting places, and assemble disaster supplies or a 72hour emergency preparedness kit.