What is the function of ethnomusicology?

What is the function of ethnomusicology?

Ethnomusicology is the study of music in its social and cultural contexts. Ethnomusicologists examine music as a social process in order to understand not only what music is but what it means to its practitioners and audiences. Ethnomusicology is highly interdisciplinary.

How is ethnomusicology different from musicology?

Traditionally, musicology has referred to the study of Western art music, or the music of the past, while ethnomusicology has been associated with the study of non-Western and traditional musics, or of living musical traditions.

Why Ethnomusicology is a branch of musicology?

Ethnomusicology is the study of music within the context of its larger culture, though there are various definitions for the field. Some define it as the study of why and how humans make music. If anthropology is the study of human behavior, ethnomusicology is the study of the music humans make.

Where do ethnomusicologists work?

Ethnomusicologists are usually employed by colleges or universities, where they lecture in addition to conducting research. (Others are employed by museums, archives, institutes, record labels, etc.)

What unique evidence of artistic endeavor did archaeologists discover in South Africa’s Blombos Cave?

Scientists working in Blombos Cave in South Africa’s southern Cape region have made a discovery that changes our understanding of when our human ancestors started expressing themselves through drawings. They’ve found a 73 000-year-old cross-hatched drawing on a silcrete (stone) flake. It was made with an ochre crayon.

What music do ethnomusicologists study today quizlet?

It depicts the sounds of nature and the physical environment of Tuva, and conveys the Tuvans’ attatchment to their homeland. What music do ethnomusicologists study today? Any and all musical phenomena in a varity of places.

What do ethnomusicologists do?

An ethnomusicologist studies and analyzes music in specific cultural contexts. Ethnomusicology is an interdisciplinary field and weaves together methods and approaches from several different fields in the humanities, although the study of music and anthropology are often central to this work,…

What does an ethnomusicologist study?

Ethnomusicologists are professionals who study music in particular cultural contexts. They are interested in looking into the role that music plays in the lives of people living in a particular geographic location.

What might an Ethnomusicology study?

Ethnomusicology is the study of music within the context of its larger culture, though there are various definitions for the field. Some define it as the study of why and how humans make music. Others describe it as the anthropology of music.

What does ethnomusicologist mean?

An ethnomusicologist is someone who studies the music of the world. Ethnomusicology involves skills from a multitude of disciplines like cultural anthropology, psychology, folklore and conventional musicology. An ethnomusicologist will look at music from within a culture instead of a purely artistic perspective,…