How do you say God bless you in Sicilian?

How do you say God bless you in Sicilian?

The answer is: “Diu ti binirici” which means “God bless you”.

How do you say in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in Italian?

Italian translation: nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo

English term or phrase: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
Italian translation: nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo
Entered by: Francesca Siotto

How do you say in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in Spanish?

Category Spanish
1 Phrases en el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu santo

Is it wrong to say God bless you?

“Saying ‘God bless you’ following a sneeze is a common refrain, so common and taught from childhood that many people don’t even think of it as a blessing, but rather as an utterance without specific meaning other than a response to a sneeze that is polite in some way,” said Dr.

What does Dia linn meaning?

God bless you
Interjection. Dia linn! God bless you (said after someone has sneezed)

How to say ” God Bless you ” in Italian?

How to say god bless you in Italian. god bless you. Italian Translation. Dio ti benedica. More Italian words for god bless you. che Dio ti benedica. god bless you. che dio vi benedica.

What does Dio ti benedica mean in Italian?

The literal translation is: “Dio ti benedica” or “Che Dio ti benedica” (may God bless you). By the way we don’t use often this expression. It’s not a mistake and I think it would be appreciated if said toward someone who has faith in God.

Do you say God Bless you after a sneeze?

If you’re referring to “bless you” following a sneeze, then it translates as “salute” (health; in the past, priests visiting ill, sick people would say that as a way of wishing health back upon the person the sentence was addressed to). Don’t.