How did Hegel respond to Kant?

How did Hegel respond to Kant?

Hegel responded to Kant’s philosophy by suggesting that the unsolvable contradictions given by Kant in his Antinomies of Pure Reason applied not only to the four areas Kant gave (world as infinite vs. finite, material as composite vs. atomic, etc.) but in all objects and conceptions, notions and ideas.

What are Hegel’s two main criticisms of Kant’s ethics?

He argued that all modern ethical systems share two problematic characteristics: first, they make a metaphysical claim about the nature of humanity, which must be accepted for the system to have any normative force; and second, the system benefits the interests of certain people, often over those of others.

What do Kant and Hegel have in common?

The two philosophers furthermore seem to share the same conception of the conditions of human freedom. For Hegel as well as Kant, a theory of morality and political right devoted to advancing the cause of freedom must require more than just the absence of obstacles preventing the satisfaction of our animal passions.

What did Hegel argue?

Hegel argues that the tendency in modern life characterized by economic individualism and the Enlightenment idea of the individual as a subject possessing various rights represents a movement away from the recognition of essential social bonds.

How does Hegel criticize Kant?

The common view is that Hegel accused Kant of presenting a purely formal principle of ethics, the categorical imperative, which is nothing more than the principle of non-contradiction. Rather, Hegel’s criticism is of Kant’s theory of moral motivation.

How did Marx differ from Hegel?

Marx accepts this process of evolution but the basic difference is in Marx’s thought system there is no place of Idea. Matter is everything. Hegel emphasizes the concept of Idea, but Marx talks about matter. In Hegel’s opinion Idea is of first importance because it arises at first and matter is of secondary importance.

What’s wrong with Kant’s theory?

A Problem for Kant’s Theory. Kant’s view is that lying is always wrong. (2) If we were to lie, we would be following the rule “It is permissible to lie.” (3) This rule could not be adopted universally, because it would be self-defeating: people would stop believing one another, and then it would do no good to lie.

How does Hegel critique Kant?

Did Nietzsche read Hegel?

Nietzsche, who had been a student and a professor of philology, had a thorough knowledge of the Greek philosophers. Among modern philosophers, his reading included Kant, Mill and Schopenhauer, who became major targets of criticism in his philosophy. He also mentions reading Hegel at the age of twenty.

How did Hegel influence Marx?

Marx’s view of history, which came to be called historical materialism, is certainly influenced by Hegel’s claim that reality and history should be viewed dialectically. While Marx accepted this broad conception of history, Hegel was an idealist and Marx sought to rewrite dialectics in materialist terms.

Is Hegel ethical?

Hegel’s ethical thought is no different from the rest of his philosophy in this respect. Classical ethical theory, culminating for Hegel in the ethical theory of Aristotle, saw ethics as aiming at a single final end or human good, called “happiness” [eudaimonia).

Who are some of Hegel’s post Kantian critics?

The “post-Kantian” Hegel found in Robert Pippin, Terry Pinkard, Sally Sedgwick, and others offered criticisms of Kant not from the perspective of a pre-Kantian metaphysics or of a quasi-divine Romantic intuition, but from Kant’s own grounds.

What did Hegel say about Kant’s metaphysics?

Kant has given up on metaphysics in order to explain the possibility of knowledge. In that move we arrive at the famous distinction between phenomena, that which appears to us as it must appear to us, and noumena, or the things in themselves. Hegel’s critique of Kant centers on this distinction.

How does McCumber use Hegel’s objections to Kant?

McCumber does not employ Hegel’s objections to Kant as case studies in support of his view, but rather uses that view to give us, as it were, a map of the Hegel-Kant landscape drawn according to a definitionalist projection schema — a map that reveals new passages through some difficult terrain.

What was the Kantian view of the world?

The Kantian View in philosophy claims that whatever is experienced or known is in part due to our own minds, to our way of thinking. 2. This is the view-point that Hegel, Marx, and Sartre held (all based in varying degrees on Kant).