Does Zuko have a girlfriend?

Does Zuko have a girlfriend?

Zuko and Mai. Mai and Zuko occasionally demonstrated their affection toward one another. Although Zuko and Mai’s relationship did not start until he joined his sister’s side, earning his return to the Fire Nation, it was hinted that they had crushes on one another when they were children, as confirmed by Azula.

Who is Zuko’s first kiss?

When Zuko is kissed by Jin, Zuko’s immediate reaction is to kiss her back. There is no hesitation, implying that Zuko wants to kiss her, too and feels something for her. This is Zuko’s reaction to Mai’s kiss. Notice how she’s smiling at him, and his expression has not changed.

Who is Zuko’s wife in Korra?

Zukos wife is Mai.

Who does Zuko end up with?

One of the main romantic relationships is between Zuko and Mai, and while they aren’t as central of a couple as Katara and Aang, they do end up together at the end of the series.

Who is Zuko’s love interest?

MAI. Mai is Zuko’s most consistent romantic interest. One of Azula’s only friends, she accompanies Azula on her hunt for Zuko and Iroh. She eventually helps bring down the Earth Kingdom and, when Zuko is given the credit for Aang’s defeat, is able to fully enter a relationship with the restored prince.

Who did Zuko kiss?

Zuko is overjoyed to see Mai after she is released from prison following Ozai’s defeat. She assures him that she still loves him, but warns him never to break up with her again. The two embrace and kiss. Mai and Zuko celebrate their victory with the group in Ba Sing Se.

What happened Mai?

She confronted Azula, declaring that her love for Zuko outweighed her fear of retaliation. As a result of this betrayal, Azula imprisoned her, along with Ty Lee, who stopped Azula’s attack by blocking her chi. Mai was later released after Zuko defeated Azula and claimed the throne.

Who was Zuko’s girlfriend in the movie Avatar?

MAI. Mai is Zuko’s most consistent romantic interest. One of Azula’s only friends, she accompanies Azula on her hunt for Zuko and Iroh. She eventually helps bring down the Earth Kingdom and, when Zuko is given the credit for Aang’s defeat, is able to fully enter a relationship with the restored prince.

Who is the mother of Zuko’s two children?

Izumi is Zuko’s daughter and his only known child. It is unknown who her mother is. She is current Fire Lord as Zuko stepped down so that he could travel the world as an ambassador. Not much is known about her except that she has two children.

What kind of relationship does Zuko have with Azula?

A frequently troubled young man, Zuko acquired both friends and foes throughout his journeys. “Azula, our relationship is so messed up. It’s been like that as long as I can remember. And maybe it’ll be like that for the rest of our lives.

Who was Zuko supposed to end up with?

A lot of fans hoped that Zuko would be redeemed so that he could end up with Katara. Many fans were disappointed that he did not end up with Katara and most assumed that he married Mai. However, while Zuko did have a daughter, it is unknown who the mother is and he eventually broke up with Mai again.