Does the acceleration depend on mass?

Does the acceleration depend on mass?

The acceleration due to gravity does not depend on the mass of the object falling, but the force it feels, and thus the object’s weight, does. This tells us two things. One is that the speed at which an object falls does not depend on its mass.

Why does mass affect acceleration?

The actual explanation of why all objects accelerate at the same rate involves the concepts of force and mass. Increasing force tends to increase acceleration while increasing mass tends to decrease acceleration. Thus, the greater force on more massive objects is offset by the inverse influence of greater mass.

How is acceleration related to mass?

If you increase the mass at a given force the rate of acceleration slows. Therefore, mass is inversely proportional to acceleration.

Why acceleration due to gravity does not depend on mass?

Given an object of mass m in a gravitational field due to a body of mass M, the force upon either would be GMm/(r^2) where G is the Gravitational constant, and r is the distance between the two masses. So the acceleration of a given mass due to gravity does not depend upon the said mass.

On what factors does acceleration due to gravity depends?

The acceleration due to gravity depends on the terms as the following: Mass of the body, Distance from the center of mass, Constant G i.e. Universal gravitational constant.

Does acceleration depend on mass in free fall?

The acceleration of the object equals the gravitational acceleration. The mass, size, and shape of the object are not a factor in describing the motion of the object. So all objects, regardless of size or shape or weight, free fall with the same acceleration.

How does weight affect acceleration?

For an object falling under the influence of gravity, the mass does not affect the acceleration — that is a constant called “g”. As the mass gets larger, it takes a greater force (supplied by the greater weight) to be able to support the same acceleration. g=F/m.

How does mass affect speed?

Mass doesn’t affect speed directly. It determines how quickly an object can change speed (accelerate) under the action of a given force. Lighter objects need less time to change speed by a given amount under a given force. Alternatively, mass determines how strong a force has to be to accelerate an object at a given rate.

How does mass affect motion?

The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion varies with mass. Mass is that quantity that is solely dependent upon the inertia of an object. The more inertia that an object has, the more mass that it has. A more massive object has a greater tendency to resist changes in its state of motion.

What is the relationship between mass and force?

Force is mass times acceleration, or F= m x a. This means an object with a larger mass needs a stronger force to be moved along at the same acceleration as an object with a small mass. This is Newton’s Second Law of Motion .