Are you daunting meaning?

Are you daunting meaning?

If a task is daunting, it’s intimidating or overwhelming in a way that makes you not even want to try to do it. Daunting is the progressive or continuous tense (the -ing form) of the verb daunt, meaning to intimidate or discourage. But daunting is commonly used as an adjective.

Can someone be daunting?

Or weasel out of it by playing sick. Often used in the phrases “daunting prospect” and “daunting task,” daunting describes something that you are not looking forward to doing. Having to fill out complicated tax forms every year is a daunting task for many people.

What is the synonym of daunting?

intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying. discouraging, disheartening, dispiriting, demoralizing. forbidding, ominous, awesome, frightening, fearsome, mean-looking.

How do you use the word daunted?

Daunted sentence example. Farewell was not daunted , and in September 1829 set out to return overland to Port Natal. She went to bed later and rose earlier than any of them, and no difficulties daunted her.

What does daunting challenge mean?

something that is daunting makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do. a daunting task/challenge/prospect: We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.

What do you mean by the word lilt?

1 : a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune. 2 : a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence. 3 : a springy buoyant movement.

What is a better word for difficult?

ambitious, arduous, burdensome, challenging, crucial, demanding, laborious, onerous, painful, problematic, severe, strenuous, tough, troublesome, complex, confusing, delicate, grim, intractable, backbreaker.

How do you use depredation in a sentence?

Depredation in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The graffiti artist was arrested because he participated in the depredation of city property.
  2. Because of depredation caused by hungry wolves, many chicken farmers are losing large sums of money.
  3. The hurricane left much depredation in the city.

Is dauntingly a word?

dauntingly adverb – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at