Why was the Pearl Harbor attack so surprising?
There was ample precedent for such a strike. Surprise was a cardinal principle of Japanese military doctrine, and such attacks had come at the beginning of wars with China and Russia. In 1932, during U.S. fleet exercises, Pearl Harbor had been successfully “raided” by carrier planes one quiet Sunday morning.
What was surprising about the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
In the surprise attack on ‘Battleship Row’ on December 7th, the Arizona and Oklahoma were damaged beyond repair by bombs or torpedo hits, most ships returned to service. Of the 2,026 American sailors and marines killed in the attack, 1,606 had been aboard these two ships.
What is the main reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor?
The first and most important major reason behind the Japanese generals and admirals’ decision to attack Pearl Harbor was due to a US economic oil embargo, which had depleted Japan’s oil reserves that were vital to its war effort in China and Southeast Asia during WWII.
Who attacked Pearl Harbor and why?
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for three reasons. The reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor and the goal of the attack are not the same. Japan had an increased need for natural resources like oil, minerals and steel as their goals for expansion in Asia and the Pacific increased.
Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
There were three reasons why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor Island of the USA. The attack took place on the 7th of December 1941. The day was Sunday morning. The invasion was an airstrike from the Japanese side on the USA’s navy base. Japanese Wanted To Became The Only Ruler of The Pacific. Pearl Harbor Was The Easiest Target To Attack.
What caused the attack on Pearl Harbor to happen?
The first and most important major reason behind the Japanese generals and admirals’ decision to attack Pearl Harbor was due to a US economic oil embargo, which had depleted Japan’s oil reserves that were vital to its war effort in China and Southeast Asia during WWII.