Why should we not have mandatory military service?

Why should we not have mandatory military service?

The government is forcing people to put their lives at risk. Because you are serving in the military, there is a risk that your life could be in danger because of conscription. That is why some people refuse to serve, even if that means they violate the law. Although the total number of Americans killed in battle.

Is mandatory military service a good idea?

Compulsory service would save the government money and provide benefits to all citizens. National service programs are a proven cost-effective method to address critical needs in the country.

What is the deal with military service and being 18?

The Selective Service System will start calling registered men age 18-25 for duty. The men will be called in a sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. The men will be examined for mental, physical, and moral fitness for military service.

Why you should serve in the military?

To serve your country and protect your country’s liberty and freedom. Travel the world. Help stop terrorism. College education benefits.

Is military service mandatory in the Philippines?

Military service shall be mandatory for all citizens of the Philippines, and the methods and procedures for the classification, selection, examination, induction, training, employment, and release of all citizens from their military obligations shall be prescribed by the President of the Philippines. Section 5.

Why do we need the Army?

Originally formed to protect the freedom of the first 13 colonies, the Army has evolved and grown from this small militia force into the world’s premier fighting force. The Army exists to serve the American people, defend the nation, protect vital national interests and fulfill national military responsibilities.

How long do you have to serve in the military in Philippines?

The period of such training and service shall be for eighteen consecutive months. Each such person shall receive military training for a period of at least six months.