Why is ozone depletion worse in Antarctica?

Why is ozone depletion worse in Antarctica?

The Antarctic is much colder than the rest of the planet and experiences consistent strong winds. The Antarctic ozone hole develops in August and dissipates in late November when warmer weather and ozone rich air from outside the polar vortex disrupts the chemical reactions causing ozone depletion.

How severe is the depletion of the Antarctic ozone layer?

Antarctic ozone depletion is seasonal, occurring primarily in late winter and early spring (August–November). Peak depletion occurs in early October when ozone is often completely destroyed over a range of stratospheric altitudes, thereby reducing total ozone by as much as two-thirds at some locations.

Why is the ozone thinner at the north and South Poles?

This means at the north and south pole, the atmosphere is thinner than anywhere else on earth, because the air is pulled away from there. Ozone is in the same percentage all around the earth (because gasses diffuse % evenly) so it is natural that there is less at the poles. This is why the ‘gap’ in the ozone is thinner at Antarctica…

Why are higher levels of ozone in the atmosphere?

How ozone is formed. The upper layers of the atmosphere have higher levels of ozone, which is a good thing, because the ozone layer shields the planet from harmful UV rays from the sun.

Why is it colder in Antarctica than in the Arctic?

This is mainly due to the differences in the distribution of land and sea between the two areas (see Key factors behind Antarctica’s climate for a discussion of why the Antarctic is colder than the Arctic). The ozone layer protects life from harmful UV-B radiation which can cause cancer and stunt the growth of plants.

Where does the chlorine in Antarctica come from?

Scientists estimate that about 80 percent of the chlorine (and bromine, which has a similar ozone-depleting effect) in the stratosphere over Antarctica today comes from human, not natural, sources.