Why does Demeter care for Demophoon?

Why does Demeter care for Demophoon?

Demeter was enraged at the stupidity of Metaneira, who by her interference had ruined Demeter’s plan to make the boy immortal. Nevertheless, Demeter would still allow Demophoön to flourish as a mortal and grant him imperishable honor because he had slept in her arms.

How did Demeter treat Metaneira’s infant son?

Queen METANEIRA is impressed with the `woman’ and gives her employment. Demeter anoints the baby Demopho(o)n every evening with ambrosia, and puts the baby in the fire of the hearth to burn away its mortality.

Which actions brought Demeter out of mourning for her daughter?

As an act of kindness to those who had sheltered her, she attempted to immortalize him by burning out his mortal parts but was surprised in the act by his mother, who thought that she was harming the boy. Incensed, Demeter quickly withdrew the child from the fire, thus leaving him susceptible to death.

How does Demeter show her anger at losing her daughter?

In “Demeter and Peresphone”, how does Demeter show her anger at losing her daughter? She makes the land infertile. According to “Demeter and Persephone,” why must Persephone stay in the underworld for part of the year? She has eaten four seeds of a pomegranate.

Why was Demeter’s daughter required to spend part of the year in the underworld?

Why was Demeter’s daughter required to spend a part of the year in the Underworld? She had to atone because Demeter had withheld fertility from the earth.

Who was the youth that Apollo loved but accidentally killed with a discus?

According to the usual version, his great beauty attracted the love of Apollo, who killed him accidentally while teaching him to throw the discus; others related that Zephyrus (or Boreas) out of jealousy deflected the discus so that it hit Hyacinthus on the head and killed him.

What did Demeter do with the baby demopho?

Offered hospitality, Demeter refuses wine, but accepts a drink called kykeion (barley water with pennyroyal). Queen METANEIRA is impressed with the `woman’ and gives her employment. Demeter anoints the baby Demopho(o)n every evening with ambrosia, and puts the baby in the fire of the hearth to burn away its mortality.

Why did Demeter go to Celeus for her daughter?

1) Demeter was searching for her daughter Persephone. 2) Demeter wants to make the child a god as a gift to Celeus for his hospitality.

Why did Demeter burn Demophon in the fire?

As an act of kindness to those who had sheltered her, she attempted to immortalize him by burning out his mortal parts but was surprised in the act by his mother, who thought that she was harming the boy. Incensed, Demeter quickly withdrew the child from the fire, thus leaving him susceptible to death.

Who was the father of Demophon in Greek mythology?

Demophon, in Greek mythology, the son of Celeus, king of Eleusis. According to the Homeric hymn to Demeter, the goddess Demeter, wandering in search of her daughter Persephone, became Demophon’s nurse. As an act of kindness to those who had sheltered her, she attempted to immortalize him by burning out his mortal parts…