Why did the Kyoto agreement fail?

Why did the Kyoto agreement fail?

Many argue that Kyoto’s failure is due to deficiencies in the structure of the agreement, such as the exemption of developing countries from reductions requirements, or the lack of an effective emissions trading scheme. Because of this, most Annex I countries have chosen to not comply with Kyoto commitments.

Did the US ratify the Kyoto Protocol?

The United States signed Kyoto having tremendously influenced major elements of the final agreement, such as the flexibility mechanisms. Yet it declined to ratify and, following President Bush’s repudiation of Kyoto in 2001, did not become a party.

Why did the US refuse to participate in Kyoto?

16, 2005. What are the major problems with the treaty? The United States hasn’t become part of the agreement because it considers a problem the fact that several major developing nations, including India and China, are not required to reduce emissions under the agreement.

What was the primary reason that successive US presidents have not submitted the Kyoto Protocol for Senate ratification?

Clinton Administration Vice President Al Gore was a main participant in putting the Kyoto Protocol together in 1997. President Bill Clinton signed the agreement in November 1998, but the US Senate refused to ratify it, citing potential damage to the US economy required by compliance.

Why is the Kyoto Protocol controversial?

There is also criticism over the true impact of the Kyoto Protocol in the long run on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions because it is questioned how much developed countries can offset their emissions while developing countries continue to emit these greenhouse gases.

What was a criticism of the Kyoto Protocol?

Another criticism is that the Kyoto Protocol focuses too much on carbon emissions and doesn’t address other pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which either do direct harm to human health and/or can be addressed using technology.