Why did France want the Ohio River Valley?

Why did France want the Ohio River Valley?

The French wanted to control the American Indian trade in the Ohio River Valley and keep the Pennsylvania traders out. They also needed the American Indians living there to be their allies. His job was to keep control of the Ohio River – and to keep the British out.

Why did the French need to settle along major rivers and lakes?

Why did the French need to settle along major rivers and lakes? The rivers were their main way of traveling. The French wanted to control the American Indian trade in the Ohio River Valley and keep the Pennsylvania traders out. They also needed the American Indians living there to be their allies.

What role did the Mississippi river play in French colonization?

Within a generation the Mississippi became a vital link between France’s Gulf of Mexico settlements and Canada, and La Salle’s claim was vaguely designated as “Louisiana.” French traders settled the upper river, establishing towns like St. Louis and Prairie du Chien (now in Wisconsin), whose names survive to this day.

Why did the French explore rivers and streams in North America?

Besides expanding the fur trade, the French wanted to find a river passage across North America (for a trade route to Asia), explore and secure territory, and establish Christian missions to convert Native peoples.

Why did the French explore the Mississippi river?

Why is the Mississippi river so important to the state of Mississippi?

As the nation’s second-longest river, behind only the conjoining Missouri, the Mississippi provides drinking water for millions and supports a $12.6 billion shipping industry, with 35,300 related jobs. It’s one of the greatest water highways on earth, carrying commerce and food for the world.

What did the French do in New France?

The French were primarily interested in establishing commercially viable colonial outposts, so they created extensive trading networks throughout New France. They relied on native hunters to harvest furs, especially beaver pelts, and to exchange these items for French goods, like glass beads.

What did Samuel de Champlain do for France?

Samuel de Champlain made great strides for French exploration of the New World. He explored the Caribbean in 1601 and the coast of New England in 1603 before traveling farther north. In 1608 he founded Quebec, and he made numerous Atlantic crossings as he worked tirelessly to promote New France.

How did the English colonies eliminate the French presence on Lake Champlain?

In 1755, New York and the New England colonies organized an army to eliminate the French presence on Lake Champlain. The English colonies assembled nearly 4,000 troops at Albany, in addition to hundreds of bateaux and canoes.

Why did people settle on the banks of rivers?

Rivers have always been important to people. In prehistoric times, people settled along the banks of rivers, where they found fish to eat and water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Later, people learned that the fertile soil along rivers is good for growing crop s.