Who was responsible for the fall of the Mughal Empire?

Who was responsible for the fall of the Mughal Empire?

The Mughal Empire began to decline in the 18th century, during the reign of Muḥammad Shah (1719–48). Much of its territory fell under the control of the Marathas and then the British. The last Mughal emperor, Bahādur Shah II (1837–57), was exiled by the British after his involvement with the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58.

What caused the decline of Mughal Empire?

According to the authors, the causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire can be grouped under the following heads: a) deterioration of land relations; b) emergence of regional powers as successor states; c) selfish struggle of nobles at the court; d) lack of initiative in modern weapons; e) lack of control over the …

What happened to the Mughal Empire after Aurangzeb death?

Answer: After the death of Aurangzeb,the Mughal empire suffered as a result of weak successors. And following his death a war of succession took place in which Bahadur Shah 1st emerged victorious and became emperor.

What led to the decline of the Mughal Empire quizlet?

Many historians blame Aurangzeb for the decline of mughal empire, They said he reimposed the jizya tax on non-Muslims , he even took tax from the local people , he spent 25 years out of his empire to fight with the Maratha’s and made Sikhs and Hindus live according to Islam.

Which of the following factors were not responsible for the decline of Mughal Empire?

The arrival of the British was not responsible for the decline of the Mughal Empire. Nobles of the Mughal empire were really selfish and had rivalry amongst themselves and just degraded the wealth of the Empire. Since there was unity amongst the regional powers they began to succeed the Mughals.

Who was the Mughal ruler after Aurangzeb?

After Aurangzeb’s death, his eldest son by his chief consort, Muhammad Azam Shah, declared himself successor, but was shortly defeated in one of the largest battles of India, the Battle of Jajau and overthrown by Bahadur Shah.

Why did the Mughal Empire breakdown after Aurangzeb?

There weren’t any wise women like Mehrunissa, Jahanara, etc. to come to the rescue of the Mughal empire. The empire had grown too large to be controlled by one person. Thus, the mighty Mughal empire crumbled right after Aurangzeb’s fifty years of reign.

Why is Aurangzeb blamed for the decline of Mughal Empire?

Aurangzeb’s religious policy was largely responsible for the downfall of the Mughal Empire. His policy of religious persecution of the Hindus, who formed the bulk of the population of the country, hastened the fall of his dynasty. Moreover, Aurangzeb turned against the Shias with as much bitterness as the Hindus.

What was the cause of the decline of the Mughal Empire?

So, Empire was facing trouble during the accession of Aurangzeb to the throne. In this situation, Aurangzeb almost reversed the policies of Akbar and created trouble for his subject. So, in a practical sense, he became the cause of the decline of th e Mughal Empire. Aurangzeb was the fanatic ruler of the Mughal Empire.

Who was the fanatic ruler of the Mughal Empire?

Aurangzeb was the fanatic ruler of the Mughal Empire. It was not his fault rather it was his upbringing. His mentor was Miya Masoom, who always preached him in a fanatic way. So, Aurangzeb did not understand that to rule in India, he has to be a rational person.

Who was the last Mughal emperor to die?

Aurangzeb, the last Great Mughal emperor had-died in 1707 and left his Empire vulnerable. The leadership that emerged after was quite weak and ineffective.

When did Bahadur Shah of Mughal Empire die?

Bahadur Shah was heading towards a solution to the problems destabilizing Mughal Empire but he died in 1712. After Bahadur Shah’s death, a new element entered Mughal Empire’s politics i.e. the succeeding wars of succession.
