Who rode through Lexington to warn that the British were coming?

Who rode through Lexington to warn that the British were coming?

Paul Revere
Thanks to the epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Paul Revere is often credited as the sole rider who alerted the colonies that the British were coming.

Who rode on horseback from Boston to Lexington and Concord to warn the colonies that the British were preparing to invade?

Two lanterns hanging from Boston’s North Church informed the countryside that the British were going to attack by sea. A series of horseback riders — men such as Paul Revere, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott — galloped off to warn the countryside that the Regulars (British troops) were coming.

Who rode to Lexington to warn his fellow men?

The Regulars are About! During this time, Paul Revere, along with two other riders, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, began their nighttime rides to rouse the minutemen and warn citizens of an attack.

Who sent troops to Lexington and Concord capture stores of ammunition?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord Instructions from London called for the arrest of rebel leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock. On the night of April 18, 1775, General Gage sent 700 men to seize munitions stored by the colonial militia at Concord.

Who succeeded in sending word to Concord that the British were on their way?

Paul Revere, an activist in the Patriot movement, rode that night with two other men, Samuel Prescott and William Dawes. Only one of them succeeded in reaching Concord to warn of the British invasion.

Did Dawes make it to Concord?

Revere Is Captured, Dawes Escapes Prescott and his horse hurtled over a stone wall and managed to make it to Concord.

Who rode to warn the colonists between Boston and Concord and was not taken prisoner?

Paul Revere (/rɪˈvɪər/; December 21, 1734 O.S. (January 1, 1735 N.S.) – May 10, 1818) was an American silversmith, engraver, early industrialist, and Patriot in the American Revolution.

What did revere and Dawes do in Lexington and Concord?

Two lanterns were hung, and the armed Patriots set out for Lexington and Concord accordingly. Along the way, Revere and Dawes roused hundreds of Minutemen, who armed themselves and set out to oppose the British.

What was the date of the Battle of Lexington and Concord?

Between 9 and 10 pm on the night of April 18, 1775, Joseph Warren told Revere and William Dawes that the British troops were about to embark in boats from Boston bound for Cambridge and the road to Lexington and Concord.

Who was in charge of the British troops at Lexington?

About 5 a.m. on April 19, 700 British troops under Major John Pitcairn arrived at the town to find a 77-man-strong colonial militia under Captain John Parker waiting for them on Lexington’s common green. Pitcairn ordered the outnumbered Patriots to disperse, and after a moment’s hesitation, the Americans began to drift off the green.

Who was the British commander at Concord in 1775?

Britain’s General Gage, the military governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and commander of approximately 3,000 British soldiers, received orders on April 14, 1775, from the Earl of Dartmouth, to confiscate the rebel weapons at Concord, and capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock.