Who is the current White Lantern?

Who is the current White Lantern?

Kyle Rayner

White Lantern Corps
Leader(s): Kyle Rayner Formerly: Swamp Thing Life Entity
Current Members: List of Current White Lantern Corps Members
Former Members: List of Former White Lantern Corps Members
Allies: Green Lantern Corps Blue Lantern Corps Indigo Tribe Star Sapphires Red Lantern Corps Orange Lantern Corps Sinestro Corps

Does Batman become a White Lantern?

BRIGHTEST DAYS In Batman Universe #5, Batman was mysteriously resurrected by a White Lantern ring after being killed by Vandal Savage. He gained incredible cosmic powers by wielding an ancient White Lantern ring and managed to dispose of Savage in quick fashion.

Is White Lantern the strongest lantern?

The Green Lantern Corps may command the power of will, but the White Lantern Corps commands the very light of life, granting them far greater power.

How did Hal Jordan become white lantern?

Former members. Kyle Rayner of Sector 2814 – After mastering the seven colors of the emotional spectrum into his own ring, Kyle created the white light and became a White Lantern. The only other person who the ring found suitable is Hal Jordan.

How did Kyle Rayner become the White Lantern?

Former members. Kyle Rayner of Sector 2814 – After mastering the seven colors of the emotional spectrum into his own ring, Kyle created the white light and became a White Lantern. Later, Kyle was channeling his power to such extent that made his ring’s power to shut down and return as a conventional Green Lantern.

Is Barry Allen a Blue Lantern?

POWER OF THE BLUE LANTERN RING Thus Barry Allen’s close friendship and deep emotional connection to Hal Jordan contributed to his immense power as a deputized Blue Lantern. Barry manages to nearly convert his resurrected grandson, Bart Allen, from the influence of the Black Lanterns.

Is Batman a Black Lantern?

Though the corpse that Nekron transformed into Black Lantern Batman didn’t really belong to Bruce Wayne, it is the events of Final Crisis and Batman’s journey through time that eventually lead to him becoming the greatest Black Lantern of all.

What do you need to know about the White Lantern?

The White Light of Life which powers the White Lantern doesn’t care about one’s moral standing- it only cares about life in all its glory and power.

Where did the White Lantern Corps come from?

Origin. The White Lantern Corps. appeared near the end of the Blackest Night, after Thaal Sinestro, who had absorbed the Entity of Life, had the Entity removed from him. No sooner had this happened, then Hal Jordan absorbed it himself, and spread its power over a number of earth’s super heroes, some of them Black Lanterns,…

What can you do with a White Lantern ring?

The white ring also allows the user to access the rings of any member of any of the other corps and observe these members. Energy Blasts: They can fire energy blasts. Force Field Generation: The white power ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the user and others around him/her.

Who is the only White Lantern not chosen by the ring?

Kyle is the only White Lantern whose powers did not originate from the Entity or being chosen by the ring. For a brief moment Kyle lost the white ring to Sinestro and then to the new Green Lantern of Earth, Simon Baz. However the ring soon returned to him after finding the two former lanterns unsuitable as hosts.