Who are Los Chibchas?

Chibcha, also called Muisca, South American Indians who at the time of the Spanish conquest occupied the high valleys surrounding the modern cities of Bogotá and Tunja in Colombia. In the 18th century their language ceased to be spoken, and the Chibcha became assimilated with the rest of the population.

What happened to the Muisca tribe?

A 21st Century Legacy. Colonization by the Spanish has had a profound and devastating effect on the Muisca. Once a massive people, numbering 500,000, they are now found in three remaining councils: in Cota, Chía, and Sesquilé with a population of 2,318.

What were the Muisca known for?

Their economy was based on agriculture, salt mining, trading, metalworking, and manufacturing. In modern times, the population of the Muisca has drastically decreased, although in the municipalities and districts Cota, Chía, Tenjo, Suba, Engativá, Tocancipá, Gachancipá, and Ubaté, descendants of the Muisca are present.

Do Chibchas still exist?

Today Chibcha ways survive in the central departments (provinces) of Cundinamarca, of which Bogotá is the capital, and Boyacá, where they have flourished since at least the 7th century BC.

When did the Chibchas live?

The Muisca (or Chibcha) civilization flourished in ancient Colombia between 600 and 1600 CE. Their territory encompassed what is now Bogotá and its environs and they have gained lasting fame as the origin of the El Dorado legend.

What language did the Chibchas speak?

Chibcha was a language spoken by the Muisca people of the Muisca Confederation, one of the many indigenous cultures of the Americas. The Muisca inhabited the Altiplano Cundiboyacense of what today is the country of Colombia….Chibcha language.

Pronunciation mʷɨskkuβun
Native to Colombia
Region Altiplano Cundiboyacense

What was the population of the Chibcha Indians?

Chibcha. Chibcha, also called Muisca, South American Indians who at the time of the Spanish conquest occupied the high valleys surrounding the modern cities of Bogotá and Tunja in Colombia. With a population of more than 500,000, they were notable for being more centralized politically than any other South American people outside…

Where did the people of the Inca Empire come from?

The Incas were a civilization in South America formed by ethnic Quechua people also known as Amerindians. In 1400AD they were a small highland tribe, one hundred years later in the early 16 th century the Incas rose to conquer and control the largest empire ever seen in the Americas forming the great Inca Empire.

How did the Chibcha culture survive in Colombia?

– Use of the sacred coca leaf, respect for water and nature, and other practices of the pre-Columbian Chibcha or Muisca culture survive in Colombia in spite of five centuries under attack. The culture was as highly-developed as those of the better-known Inca, Maya and Aztec people, according to scholars. Children learning the Chibcha language.

Who was the god of the Chibcha people?

The Chibchas had an elaborate pantheon of gods headed by Chiminigagua, the supreme god and creator. In addition to the state temples and idols, many natural habitats were considered to be holy places.