Which president visited India recently?

Which president visited India recently?

2019 List

Name Title Visit Type
Cyril Ramaphosa President Guest at Republic Day of India
Pravind Jugnauth Prime Minister Guest at Republic Day of India
Shavkat Mirziyoyev President State Visit
Erna Solberg Prime Minister Official Visit

Who was the last US president to visit India for improving bilateral ties?

Bush (2001–2009) and Barack Obama (2009–2017), the United States of America has demonstrated accommodation to India’s core national interests and acknowledged outstanding concerns.

Who was the first president on TV?

In 1939, Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to deliver a televised speech. The “golden age” of radio was about to fade as television entered its “golden age.”

Who came to India first?

Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to reach India via the Atlantic Ocean when he arrives at Calicut on the Malabar Coast. Da Gama sailed from Lisbon, Portugal, in July 1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and anchored at Malindi on the east coast of Africa.

Who is the first foreigner came to India?

Megasthenes, ambassador of Seleucus Nikator was the first foreign traveller to India. India has witnessed the visit of great foreign envoys like Al-Masudi, Fa-Hien, Hiuen-Tsang, Marco Polo and Abdul Razak, etc.

Who was the third US President to visit India?

Jimmy Carter, the third American president to visit India, came by in January 1978. His three-day stay came months after the Janata Party’s historic election win and Indira Gandhi’s humiliating loss. Carter’s visit was meant to break the thaw in India-US relations after the 1971 War and India’s 1974 nuclear test.

Who was the US vice president who went to India?

This trip was nothing like Ike’s visit. Richard M Nixon, Ike’s vice president, visited India as part of his Asian tour, six months after becoming America’s president. He spent barely 22 hours in New Delhi.

What was the longest trip by a US President to India?

Clinton’s itinerary was packed with visits to Agra, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Mumbai besides Delhi. His five-day trip was the longest by a US president. Despite the fact that he faced criticism over the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the consequent attempt to impeach him back home, Clinton was a rock star in India.

Who is the current Prime Minister of India?

W hen Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the U.S. last year, he was greeted by a massive crowd at a Texas rally, billed as one of the biggest-ever receptions for a foreign leader. India is now preparing to return the favor ahead of President Donald Trump’s first official visit to the country on Feb. 24 and 25.