Which president gave the shortest and longest inauguration speeches?

Which president gave the shortest and longest inauguration speeches?

John Adams’ Inaugural address, which totaled 2,308 words, contained the longest sentence, at 737 words. After Washington’s second Inaugural address, the next shortest was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fourth address on January 20, 1945, at just 559 words.

Which president delivered the shortest inauguration speech?

George Washington’s second inaugural address remains the shortest ever delivered, at just 135 words.

How long was George Washington’s inauguration speech?

The first inaugural address was subsequently delivered by Washington in the Senate chamber, running 1419 words in length.

What president caught pneumonia at his inauguration?

Webster had reason to be pleased, for while Harrison was nationalistic in his outlook, he emphasized in his Inaugural that he would be obedient to the will of the people as expressed through Congress. But before he had been in office a month, he caught a cold that developed into pneumonia.

Which president was the first inauguration filmed?

President McKinley Inauguration Footage
Starring William McKinley
Release date March 16, 1901
Country United States
Language Silent

Which is the shortest inauguration speech in history?

The average presidential inauguration speech is about 2,000 words, according to the American Presidency Project. The shortest address was the second delivered by George Washington, who spoke only 135 words at his March 4, 1793 inauguration. (You can read his address here.)

What was the longest inaugural address ever given?

Longest Inaugural Address: William Henry Harrison’s in 1841. He delivered the 1 hour 45 minute oration without wearing a hat or coat in a howling snowstorm, came down with pneumonia, and died one month later.

How many words did Lincoln speak at his second inauguration?

Most presidents spoke for a shorter period at their second inauguration, including Abraham Lincoln, who spoke 3,634 words on March 4, 1861 then only 698 on March 4, 1865; and Richard Nixon (2,130 words in Jan. 20, 1969 vs. 1,668 on Jan. 20, 1973.) You can see all those speeches here.

Which is the warmest inauguration in US history?

Inaugural Adresses: The Longest, Shortest, Dumbest, and Most Memorable. Warmest inauguration: Ronald Reagan’s first, on January 20th, 1981, when the temperature at the swearing in was 55 degrees. Coldest inauguration: Ronald Reagan’s second, on January 20th, 1985, when the temperature at noon was 7 degrees.