Which of the following networking devices work at the data link layer of the OSI model?

Which of the following networking devices work at the data link layer of the OSI model?

Which three of the following devices operate at the Data Link Layer of the OSI model? Explanation: Network interface cards (NICs), bridges, and switches all operate at the OSI Data Link layer.

Is a device that operates at the data link layer of the OSI model layer?

Ethernet hubs and network switches work at the data link layer, with a switch delivering greater performance than a hub. Bridge devices inspect Ethernet frames.

Which three of the following devices operate at the data link layer of the OSI model?

Hubs operate at Layer 1, or the Physical layer of the OSI model. Which of the following devices operates at the OSI model Layer 2? A switch operates at the OSI model Layer 2 (Data Link layer). It reads the MAC address to make frame forwarding decisions.

Which of the following devices operate at Layer 2?

Bridges and Switches are considered Layer 2 devices while routers are considered Layer 3 devices. Network Interface Card or NICs operate at Layer 2 of the OSI model.

Which are the layer 2 devices?

LAYER 2 NETWORKS Devices used on a Layer 2 Ethernet network include network interface cards, hubs, bridges and switches. Ethernet devices use ‘burned in’ MAC addresses to identify each host. These addresses are attached to network interface cards and cannot be changed.

What device works on Layer 2 and 3?

The layer 2 and Layer 3 differs mainly in the routing function. A Layer 2 switch works with MAC addresses only and does not care about IP address or any items of higher layers. Layer 3 switch, or multilayer switch, can do all the job of a layer 2 switch and additional static routing and dynamic routing as well.

Which network device can operate at both Layer 2 and Layer 3 of the OSI model?

Network switches
Network switches can operate at either OSI layer 2 (the data link layer) or layer 3 (the network layer). Layer 2 switches forward data based on the destination MAC address (see below for definition), while layer 3 switches forward data based on the destination IP address. Some switches can do both.

Which of the following devices can work at both Layer 2 and Layer 3 of the OSI model?

A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses MAC addresses to forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Some switches can also forward data at the network layer (layer 3) by additionally incorporating routing…

What are the Layer 3 devices?

The layer 3 in the OSI model is the network layer. The device that comes under this layer is the router. The functions include address handling,logical address and names to physical address translation ,routing and traffic management.

Which is device operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model?

Switch. Switch is a Network device which is used during the Data-Link layer, which is the second layer in the OSI Model. The primary function of a switch is to determine the MAC addresses of all the devices which are connected to make sure that where the data is supposed to be sent.

What kind of devices are used in data link layer?

Some of the devices used in Data Link layer are, A bridge is a type of computer network device that provides interconnection with other networks that use the same protocol, connecting two different networks together and providing communication between them. Modem stands for MOdulator/DEModulator.

Which is the data link layer for Brouters?

Brouters operate at both the network layer for routable protocols (or between network with different data link layer protocol ex. one is running on ethernet (802.3) and other network is running on Token ring (802.5)) and at the data link layer for non-routable protocols (or both network are using same data link layer protocol).

What is the function of a switch in OSI?

Switch is a Network device which is used during the Data-Link layer, which is the second layer in the OSI Model. The primary function of a switch is to determine the MAC addresses of all the devices which are connected to make sure that where the data is supposed to be sent.