Which of the following is a wave whose source is some form of repeating motion?

Which of the following is a wave whose source is some form of repeating motion?

17 Cards in this Set

what is the # of cycles or vibrations per unit of time frequency
how are frequency & period related in a simple harmonic motion? waves speed is proportional to frequency & period
what term describes a wave whose source is some form of repeating motion? periodic wave

Which of the following is the number of cycles or vibrations per second?

The number of cycles that a vibrating object completes in one second is called frequency. The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz). One hertz equals one cycle per second.

Which of the following is the number of cycles or vibrations per unit of time *?

frequency, in physics, the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time; also, the number of cycles or vibrations undergone during one unit of time by a body in periodic motion.

Which of the following is the number of cycles per unit of time quizlet?

The frequency, denoted f, is the number of cycles that are completed per unit of time: f=1/T.

How do transverse and longitudinal waves differ?

In a transverse wave, the particles are displaced perpendicular to the direction the wave travels. Examples of transverse waves include vibrations on a string and ripples on the surface of water. In a longitudinal wave the particles are displaced parallel to the direction the wave travels.

Which of the following is the number of waves per unit of second?

The frequency, represented by the Greek letter nu (ν), is the number of waves that pass a certain point in a specified amount of time. Typically, frequency is measured in units of cycles per second or waves per second. One wave per second is also called a Hertz (Hz) and in SI units is a reciprocal second (s−1).

Which of the following is the number of cycle per unit of time?

The number of periods or cycles per second is called frequency. The SI unit for frequency is the hertz (Hz). One hertz is the same as one cycle per second.

What makes a sound wave a longitudinal wave?

Answer: A. In longitudinal waves, particles of the medium vibrate to and from in a direction parallel to the direction of energy transport. If energy is transmitted along a medium from the east end to the west end, then particles of the medium would vibrate eastward and westward A sound wave is a longitudinal wave but not…

How are the particles of a transverse wave vibrate?

In transverse waves, particles of the medium vibrate to and from in a direction perpendicular to the direction of energy transport. In this case, that would be parallel to the line AD. 5. If the energy in a longitudinal wave travels from south to north, the particles of the medium would be vibrating _____.

What happens when the speed of a wave increases?

As a wave travels into a medium in which its speed increases, its wavelength would ____. As a wave crosses a boundary into a new medium, its speed and wavelength change while its frequency remains the same. If the speed increases, then the wavelength must increase as well in order to maintain the same frequency.

What happens when the amplitude of a wave is doubled?

What happens to the energy carried in a given time interval by a mechanical wave when the wave’s amplitude is doubled? It increases by a factor of four. What happens to the energy carried in a given time interval by a mechanical wave when the wave’s amplitude is halved? It decreases by a factor of four.