Which is the best description of a dehydration synthesis reaction?

Which is the best description of a dehydration synthesis reaction?

Which of the following best describes dehydration synthesis? Two smaller molecules join together after a water molecule is removed from between them. Energy is absorbed for bond formation: because energy is absorbed to make bonds, synthesis reactions are energy absorbing reactions.

What is the chemical reaction for dehydration synthesis?

Dehydration synthesis is a process in which two monomers combine covalently to form a dimer. One monomer loses a hydrogen (H) atom and the other a hydroxyl (OH) group. The H and OH combine to create a water (H2O) molecule. Water is a byproduct and eliminated from the reaction.

What type of reaction is dehydration reaction?

A dehydration reaction is a type of condensation reaction. During the process of the combination of two compounds, a water molecule is removed from one of the reactants, forming an unsaturated compound.

Is a dehydration reaction a chemical reaction?

In chemistry, a dehydration reaction, also known as Zimmer’s Hydrogenesis, is a chemical reaction that involves the loss of water from the reacting molecule or ion. It is the most common type of condensation reaction. Dehydration reactions are common processes, the reverse of a hydration reaction.

Which best describes chemical synthesis?

chemical synthesis, the construction of complex chemical compounds from simpler ones. It is the process by which many substances important to daily life are obtained. It is applied to all types of chemical compounds, but most syntheses are of organic molecules.

What occurs in a dehydration synthesis reaction quizlet?

In a dehydration synthesis reaction, the hydrogen of one monomer combines with the hydroxyl group of another monomer, releasing a molecule of water. The monomers share electrons and form covalent bonds. As additional monomers join, this chain of repeating monomers forms a polymer.

What is a dehydration reaction quizlet?

Dehydration Reaction. A chemical reaction in which two molecules covalently bond to each other with the removal of water. Denaturation. In protiens, a process in which a protien unravels and loses its native conformation, thereby becoming biologically inactive.

What is dehydrating agent in chemistry?

A dehydrating agent is a substance that dries or removes water from a material. Sulfuric acid, concentrated phosphoric acid, hot aluminum oxide, and hot ceramic are common dehydrating agents in these types of chemical reactions.

What is hydration chemical reaction?

In chemistry, a hydration reaction is a chemical reaction in which a substance combines with water. In organic chemistry, water is added to an unsaturated substrate, which is usually an alkene or an alkyne.

What kind of chemical reaction is synthesis?

Synthesis reactions are reactions that occur when two different atoms or molecules interact to form a different molecule or compound. Most of the time, when a synthesis reaction occurs, energy is released and the reaction is exothermic.

Which of the following describes a synthesis reaction?

A synthesis reaction occurs when two or more reactants combine to form a single product. This type of reaction is represented by the general equation: A + B → AB. An example of a synthesis reaction is the combination of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) to produce sodium chloride (NaCl).

What compounds are made in dehydration reaction?

Maltose, or malt sugar, is a disaccharide formed by a dehydration reaction between two glucose molecules. The most common disaccharide is sucrose, or table sugar, which is composed of the monomers glucose and fructose. A long chain of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide (poly- = “many”).

What are the steps of dehydration synthesis?

Steps of Dehydration synthesis 1. Begin with at least two unlinked monomers 3. Connect what is left of the monomers 2. link the rest of the monomers together 1. Start with a polymer and 1 water molecule 2. Break water into 1 H and 1 OH. Add the H to one monomer and the OH to the other. 3. Split the bond between monomers.

What are the results of dehydration synthesis?

Dehydration Synthesis uses condensation in the process and when this continues for a long period of time, a long and complex chain is formed, just like the ones in polysaccharides. It is also is responsible for storing excess glucose molecules as much as larger polysaccharides like starch and glycogen.

Are covalent bonds formed in dehydration synthesis?

In dehydration synthesis reactions, a water molecule is formed as a result of generating a covalent bond between two monomeric components in a larger polymer. In hydrolysis reactions, a water molecule is consumed as a result of breaking the covalent bond holding together two components of a polymer.