Which characteristics did the Harappan cities have?

Which characteristics did the Harappan cities have?

The Harappan city was divided into the upper town (also called the Citadel) and the lower town. The various features of the Harappan town planning is given below: Granaries: The granary was the largest structure in Mohenjo-daro, and in Harappa there were about six granaries or storehouses.

What are the two unique features of Harappan cities?

(i) The Harappans was planned cities. Most cities were divided into two parts. The upper part (Citadel) and lower part (Lower Town). (ii) Streets of the cities cut each other at right angles.

What are the features of Harappan cities Class 8?

The special features of these Harappan civilization are:

  • The cities were mainly comprised of two or more parts.
  • These two are the western and the eastern part.
  • The western part is at an elevated level and it is narrow.
  • The eastern part, on the contrary, is wide and is at a lower level.

In which two parts were the Harappan cities divided and why?

The given statement is true. Explanation: The cities of the Indus Valley civilisation were divided into two parts, i.e. the citadel and the lower town. The Granary and the Great Bath were in the citadel of Mohenjodaro.

What was the most unique features of Harappan cities?

Ans: The most unique feature of the Harappan Civilization was the development of urban centres. Mohenjodaro is the most well-known site of Harappan Civilization. structure of ‘Great Bath’ suggested that it was meant for some kind of special ritual bath. The Lower Town The lower town was also walled.

How were Harappan cities develop?

The Harappan Civilization developed around 4700 years ago. The earliest city to be developed in India was Harappa in Punjab, in present day Pakistan. Further down the Indus valley, another city was excavated and this was Mohenjo-Daro in Sind. Cities were well planned, land was fertile and people grew crops.

What was the most distinctive feature of Harappan cities?

(iii) One of the most distinctive features of Harappan cities was the carefully planned drainage system. The roads and streets were laid out along an approximate grid pattern, intersecting at right angles. (iv) The lower Town at Mohenjodaro provides examples of residential buildings.

How did the people of Harappa and Mohenjo daro live?

Harappa and Mohenjo Daro were expertly planned cities built with a grid pattern of wide, straight streets. Thick walls surrounded the cities. Many people lived in sturdy brick houses that had as many as three floors.

Where did the Harappan farmers and herders live?

Harappan farmers lived on the outskirts of cities, whereas there were no settled cities in the time of the farmers and herders in Chapter 3. Q7.Describe three important buildings in your city or village. Are they located in a special part of the settlement (e.g. the centre)?

How is Dholavira different from other Harappan cities?

Answer: Unlike other Harappan cities which were divided into two parts, Dholavira was divided into three.