Which character trait does Odysseus show when he listens to the Sirens song?

Which character trait does Odysseus show when he listens to the Sirens song?

Final Exam

Question Answer
Odysseus demonstrates the realistic, human side of his character when he does what weeps upon meeting Elpenor’s ghost in Hades
Which character trait does Odysseus display when he listens to the Sirens’ song self-sacrifice

What do we learn about Odysseus character from his encounter with the sirens?

What does the episode of the sirens tell us about Odysseus character? Odysseus does not tell his men that they will encounter Scylla and the Charbdis, risking their lives to follow Circe’s directions.

How does Odysseus face and overcome the sirens song?

Odysseus orders his men to seal their ears with beeswax, thus protecting them from the Sirens’ alluring singing. Indeed, Odysseus alone hears the Sirens’ seductive song, although he has his men tie him to the mast so that he is unable to respond to the enchanting singing.

What character trait does Odysseus display in Hades that he did not reveal earlier?

What character traits does Odysseus display in Hades that he does not reveal earlier in The Odyssey? In Hades, Odysseus displays such character traits as a tender love for his mother, an appreciation for being alive, and a degree of resolution about returning home that he had not revealed earlier.

What epic hero trait does Odysseus reveal when he devises a plan to listen to the Sirens song and yet escape destruction?

What personality trait does Odysseus reveal when he devises a plan to listen to the Sirens’ song and yet escape destruction? Curiosity.

Why does Odysseus listen to the Sirens?

He’s an intellectual; and although he is self-disciplined, his curiosity sometimes gets him into trouble. Odysseus is also willing to pay a price for knowledge. It is this intellectual curiosity that drives him to hear the Sirens’ song despite the pain he must endure while being tied up to the mast of his ship.

How did the Sirens tempt Odysseus?

The Sirens tempt Odysseus by singing him a song that tells him that he can be rich, happy, and all-knowing of he goes ashore to their island. Odysseus controls his men pretty well in esa have episode, considering that all of his men listen to him in whichever order he tells them too.

What does this book show us about Odysseus character?

Odysseus has the defining character traits of a Homeric leader: strength, courage, nobility, a thirst for glory, and confidence in his authority. Like other Homeric heroes, Odysseus longs to win kleos (“glory” won through great deeds), but he also wishes to complete his nostos (“homecoming”).

How did Odysseus avoid the Sirens?

Odysseus’s plan to prevent his men from hearing the sirens’ song is to carve a cake of beeswax into bits and roll them until soft. He then places the wax “thick on their ears” (977; line 713).

Why did Odysseus want to listen to the siren?

Odysseus is too curious to miss the seductive song and wants to hear it anyway. So he orders the crew to plug their ear but not his. Instead, he is bound to the mast, so he can listen to the magical songs without danger to jump in the sea. We learn a lot about Odysseus’ character from his encounter with Sirens.

Why was Odysseus bound to the mast in myfairyland?

Odysseus is too curious to miss the seductive song and wants to hear it anyway. So he orders the crew to plug their ear but not his. Instead, he is bound to the mast, so he can listen to the magical songs without danger to jump in the sea. We learn a lot about Odysseus’ character from his encounter with Sirens.

What happens in the song of the Sirens?

The song of the Sirens is really so seductive he is willing to jump right among the Sirens, but luckily his men don’t follow his new orders when he insists to be unbound. The ship succeeded to pass the Sirens and continues to the next danger what is already a different story.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Odysseus?

List 3 of Odysseus’ strengths and 2 of Odysseus’ weaknesses. Odysseus is a very curious, strong, resourceful, smart, and determined man. That said, he is also stubborn, defiant, proud, and full of hubris, all traits which often get him in trouble.