Which authoritarian government has few people ruling?

Which authoritarian government has few people ruling?

oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

What is the definition of authoritarian in geography?

The noun authoritarianism is most often used in a negative context, to describe a government with absolute control over the population.

Why did colonial rule lead to authoritarianism in Africa?

Many reasons account for this, including the legacy of authoritarianism inherent to colonial rule, the ideological battles of the Cold War, the organizational advantages of the military, ethno-political competition, and even traditional patterns of political culture.

How did the end of colonial rule affect Africa?

The end of colonial rule in Africa brought into existence new independent states that lacked both effective government institutions and modern national identities. Postcolonial African leaders therefore immediately faced the dual challenges of state-building and nation-building.

Why are there calls for Democracy in Africa?

Calls for open and democratic governance, characterized by popular participation, competitive elections, and free flow of information can be heard in many African countries. This new disposition toward democratization in Africa is a consequence of pressures both internal and external to African societies.

Is the concept of Democracy alien to Africa?

A common theme in the three workshops was the reminder that democratic concepts are not alien to the African continent, despite the impression created in the postcolonial period. Democratic forms and institutions existed in precolonial African societies, and their practice may be found today in some rural areas.