Where is the Ruhr region located?

Where is the Ruhr region located?

North Rhine-Westphalia
listen)), also referred to as Ruhr area, Ruhr district, Ruhr region, or Ruhr valley, is a polycentric urban area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. With a population density of 2,800/km2 and a population of over 5 million (2017), it is the largest urban area in Germany.

What physical feature makes it difficult for northern Europeans to trade with Italy?

Apennine Mountains are like a backbone across Italy. They affect where people live & how they transport people and goods—make trading difficult.

Which physical feature has helped Germany trade with other countries?

The Rhine, the Danube and the Elbe rivers, combined with Germany’s central location in Europe and its access to the North Sea, allowed the country to become a leading exporter and one of the most prosperous economies in Europe.

Where is coal in Germany?

In western North-Rhine Westphalia, where Heukamp’s village of Lützerath lies, coal is ever-present. Heaps adorn roundabouts, in a monument to the fuel. RWE, the multinational power company that owns the pit, has set up viewing and information points around the mine’s edge.

What makes it more difficult for Italian merchants to trade with countries north of Italy?

Location, Climate, and Natural Resources of Europe

Question Answer
What is a natural resource of Germany? coal
What has about the same area as Germany? Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina combined
What geographic feature makes it more difficult for Italian merchants to trade with countries north of Italy? Alps Mountains

Which of these coal fields is in Germany?

There are three working brown coal mining districts left in Germany, the Rhenish district in North Rhine- Westphalia (NRW), the Lusatian district in Brandenburg and Saxony and the Central German district in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. The mines are operated by MIBRAG, LEAG, RWE and ROMONTA.

Where is coal mined in Europe?

Russia (365 Mt), Germany (176 Mt) and Poland (131 Mt) are the largest producers of coal in Europe as of 2016.

Where are the largest coal mines in Europe?

Kuzbas in Siberia Russia is one of the largest coal mining areas in the world, ca. 70,000 km2. Coal in Europe describes coal as energy fuel in Europe today. Coal includes hard coal, brown coal, and lignite.

Where does the coal in Germany come from?

As of December 2018, Germany doesn’t have any domestic hard coal mining left. Instead, coal is imported from Russia (35%), the United States (18%), Australia (13%) and Columbia (11%), followed by Poland, Canada and South Africa ( 2017 data ).

What kind of mines are there in Italy?

In Italy most of the mines that existed at the beginning of 1900 have been closed. Quite large deposits of mercury (as cinnabar) are present on Mount Amiata , whose exploitation is finished in the 70s of last century, and fluorine minerals (fluorite) were extracted in Sardinia mines in Silius until few years ago.

Where are the abandoned iron mines in Italy?

Instead, iron mines (located in Cogne, in Val D’Aosta region, on Elba island and Sardinia) and coal mines (in Sulcis area, Sardinia) have been abandoned due to the low concentration of minerals and high production costs when compared to other deposits abroad.