Where does most star formation?

Where does most star formation?

10) Most of the current star formation in the Milky Way occurs in spiral arms.

Does pressure change during star formation?

As the clump becomes more dense, it becomes opaque. Escaping IR radiation is trapped, and the temperature and pressure in the center begin to increase. At some point, the pressure stops the infall of more gas into the core and the object becomes stable as a protostar.

Where is star formation most likely to occur in our galaxy?

Where does most star formation occur in the Milky Way galaxy today? In the spiral arms.

What process drives the formation and development of stars?

Stars form from an accumulation of gas and dust, which collapses due to gravity and starts to form stars. The process of star formation takes around a million years from the time the initial gas cloud starts to collapse until the star is created and shines like the Sun. Without this dust and gas, stars would not form.

What does pressure do to stars?

Gravity constantly works to try and cause the star to collapse. The star’s core, however is very hot which creates pressure within the gas. This pressure counteracts the force of gravity, putting the star into what is called hydrostatic equilibrium.

What is the first stage in the formation of a star?

Stage 1- Stars are born in a region of high density Nebula, and condenses into a huge globule of gas and dust and contracts under its own gravity. This image shows the Orion Nebula or M42 . Stage 2 – A region of condensing matter will begin to heat up and start to glow forming Protostars.

Where do stars mostly form quizlet?

Where do stars form? (where are they born?) Stars are born in interstellar clouds that are particularly cold and dense. These clouds are called molecular clouds.

Where does the energy for star formation come from?

Most of these cloud cores have IR sources, evidence of energy from collapsing protostars (potential energy converted to kinetic energy). Also, where we do find young stars (see below) we find them surrounded by clouds of gas, the leftover dark molecular cloud. And they occur in clusters, groups of stars that form from the same cloud core.

What causes a star to be in hydrostatic equilibrium?

Gravity constantly works to try and cause the star to collapse. The star’s core, however is very hot which creates pressure within the gas. This pressure counteracts the force of gravity, putting the star into what is called hydrostatic equilibrium.

When does a star become stable as a protostar?

Escaping IR radiation is trapped, and the temperature and pressure in the center begin to increase. At some point, the pressure stops the infall of more gas into the core and the object becomes stable as a protostar. The protostar, at first, only has about 1% of its final mass.

What causes gases to clump together to form stars?

At these temperatures, gases become molecular meaning that atoms bind together. CO and H2 are the most common molecules in interstellar gas clouds. The deep cold also causes the gas to clump to high densities. When the density reaches a certain point, stars form.