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Where did gangrene come from?
Gangrene happens when tissues in your body die after a loss of blood caused by illness, injury, or infection. It usually happens in extremities like fingers, toes, and limbs, but you can also get gangrene in your organs and muscles.
When did gangrene originate?
Fournier gangrene was first identified in 1883, when the French venereologist Jean Alfred Fournier described a series in which 5 previously healthy young men suffered from a rapidly progressive gangrene of the penis and scrotum without apparent cause.
Where is gas gangrene most commonly found in the world?
Gas gangrene can occur anywhere on the body, but it most commonly affects the arms or legs. Common symptoms include increased heart rate, fever, and air under the skin.
What was gangrene ww1?
[Gas gangrene: a military disease?] For a long time it was considered to be a typical military disease: during World War I some 100,000 German soldiers lost their lives as a direct result. It represented then 10 to 12% of all deads of wounds.
Why do diabetics get gangrene?
It is found that high blood sugar damages the nerves of the foot causing peripheral neuropathy and also hardens the walls of the arteries leading to narrowing and obstructed blood supply. These are main causative factors of a raised risk of gangrene in diabetics.
Where does necrotizing fasciitis come from?
You can get necrotizing fasciitis when bacteria enter a wound, such as from an insect bite, a burn, or a cut. You can also get it in: Wounds that come in contact with ocean water, raw saltwater fish, or raw oysters, including injuries from handling sea animals such as crabs.
Does diabetes cause gangrene?
Dry gangrene is the type of gangrene that can occur as a complication of a pre-existing health condition, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes. As a result of damage to the blood vessels throughout the body due to prolonged hyperglycemia, it is possible for blood circulation to be cut off.
How long does it take to develop gangrene?
Common symptoms include increased heart rate, fever, and air under the skin. Skin in the affected area also becomes pale and then later changes to dark red or purple. These symptoms usually develop six to 48 hours after the initial infection and progress very quickly.
How is gangrene contracted?
Gangrene can develop when the supply of blood to an area of your body is interrupted. This can occur as the result of an injury, an infection, or an underlying condition that affects your circulation.
What does gangrene smell like?
Loss of color in the affected body part: The area will become discolored and eventually turn dry and dark. The color will change from red to black in dry gangrene, or it will become swollen and foul-smelling in wet gangrene. Gas gangrene will produce particularly foul-smelling, brownish pus.
How many British soldiers died of disease in ww1?
Far fewer British and Dominion troops died of disease (113,000) than from shells and bullets; 418,000 were killed in action, many tens of thousands were missing, and 167,000 died from wounds [1]. The statistics for the German Army showed a similar ratio with 1,531,048 killed in battle, and 155,013 died of disease.
Can you die from gangrene?
Gangrene can spread through your body and cause you to go into shock if left untreated. Shock is a condition marked by a variety of symptoms including low blood pressure. Shock can be life-threatening and is considered a medical emergency. Gangrene is a medical emergency that could lead to amputations or death.
What bacteria causes gangrene?
Gas gangrene is most often caused by bacteria called Clostridium perfringens. It also can be caused by group A streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio vulnificus. Clostridium is found nearly everywhere.
How can poor circulation cause gangrene?
When a blood clot develops inside a blood vessel (vein, capillary, artery), it does not allow proper flow of blood, resulting in poor blood circulation in that area. When this condition affects the vein located deep in the inner layers of the skin, it is referred to as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which may eventually cause gangrene.
Is gangrene contagious through touch?
Gangrene can be a complication of a serious infection. The infectious agent, but not gangrene, may be contagious from person to person under close contact.