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Where did Antarctica come from?
From the end of the Neoproterozoic to the Cretaceous, Antarctica formed part of the supercontinent Gondwana. Over time, Gondwana gradually broke apart, and Antarctica as we know it today was formed when Antarctica separated from South America (forming the Drake Passage) and Australia during the late Paleogene.
Where was Antarctica located before?
Some 200 million years ago, Antarctic continental crust was joined with South American, African, Indian, and Australian continental crust making up a large southern land mass known as Gondwana (the southern part of the supercontinent called Pangea).
Which country found Antarctica first?
The first confirmed sighting of mainland Antarctica, on 27 January 1820, is attributed to the Russian expedition led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, discovering an ice shelf at Princess Martha Coast that later became known as the Fimbul Ice Shelf.
What continent was Antarctica originally attached to?
Australia and Antarctica were once part of the same land mass — a supercontinent called Gondwana. The fossil record of the 2 continents is similar. Antarctica has fossils of dinosaurs, amphibians and even marsupials from prehistory. Australia began to separate from Antarctica 85 million years ago.
Did dinosaurs live on Antarctica?
Animal fossils Dinosaurs lived in Antarctica and are well known from the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, although few have been described formally. They include ankylosaurs (the armoured dinosaurs), mosasaurs and plesiosaurs (both marine reptilian groups).
Who was the first people in Antarctica?
Americans weren’t far behind: John Davis, a sealer and explorer, was the first person to step foot on Antarctic land in 1821. The race to find Antarctica sparked competition to locate the South Pole—and stoked another rivalry. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen found it on December 14, 1911.
How did Australia separate from Antarctica?
By the Late Cretaceous, about 84 Ma, Australia was separated from Antarctica by a seaway about 100 km wide. Tasmania was still connected to Antarctica. In the Late Cretaceous, 85-65 Ma, Tasmania was still connected to Antarctica by the stretched crust of the South Tasman Rise.
Who discovered Antarctica first?
Antarctica was discovered by European and American explorers in the early part of the 19th century, and in February 1821 the first landing on the Antarctic continent was made by American John Davis at Hughes Bay on the Antarctic Peninsula . During the next century, many nations, including the United States, made territorial claims to portions…
What are some things about Antarctica?
The Dry Valleys in Antarctica are the driest places on earth. Antarctica is, on average, the windiest place on earth. Scientists exploring this southerly landmass have reported wind speeds that have reached up to 200 miles per hour. The Antarctic Ice Sheet is the single biggest mass of ice in the world and can sometimes be up to four miles thick.
Where is the Antarctic found?
The Antarctic (US English /æntˈɑːrktɪk/, UK English /ænˈtɑːrktɪk/ or /æntˈɑːrtɪk/ and /ænˈtɑːrtɪk/ or /ænˈɑːrtɪk/) is a polar region around the Earth ‘s South Pole, opposite the Arctic region around the North Pole . The Antarctic comprises the continent of Antarctica, the Kerguelen Plateau and other island territories…
Is Antarctica a forest?
in: Antarctic Tropical Rainforest. The northern part of Antarctica is covered in lush tropical rainforest, which is home to many new species of plants, insects and birds. In 100 million AD, Antarctica moves up to the Equator and gains lush rainforests, just like how it had forests millions of years before the Quaternary, in The Future is Wild .