When did Spain gain freedom?

When did Spain gain freedom?

1808 – The Peninsular War is fought against the French Empire led by Napoleon. 1808 – The Spanish American wars of independence begin. By 1833, the majority of the Spanish territories in America have gained their independence. 1814 – The Allies win the Peninsular War and Spain is free of French rule.

What was Spain called in the 1700s?

Reino de España
History of Spain (1700–1810)

Kingdom of Spain Reino de España
Common languages Spanish, Catalan (including Valencian), Basque, Galician, Bable, Fala, Aragonese, Occitan (Aranese)
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Absolute monarchy

What happened in Spain in the 17th century?

During the 17th century, Spain was involved in frequent territorial and religious wars. One example is the Thirty Years’ War, which was fought against many different European powers (1618–48). By the end of the 17th century, Spain was weakened and had lost some of its European territories, such as Portugal.

Who ruled Spain in 1700s?

Philip V
Philip V, also called (until 1700) Philippe, duc d’Anjou, (born December 19, 1683, Versailles, France—died July 9, 1746, Madrid, Spain), king of Spain from 1700 (except for a brief period from January to August 1724) and founder of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain.

Who was King of Spain 1750?

Ferdinand VI
Ferdinand VI, (born September 23, 1713, Madrid, Spain—died August 10, 1759, Villaviciosa de Odón), third king of Spain of the house of Bourbon, reigning from 1746 to 1759.

Who was King of Spain in 17th century?

Philip V (Spanish: Felipe; 19 December 1683 – 9 July 1746) was King of Spain from 1 November 1700 to 14 January 1724, and again from 6 September 1724 to his death in 1746.

Who ruled Spain in 1700?

When did Spain lose its empire?

The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. As a result Spain lost its control over the remains of its overseas empire — Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines Islands, Guam, and other islands.

What was Spain like in the 17th century?

In contrast to Spain’s startling growth of political power and prestige during the 16 th century, the 17th century commonly seen as one of “decline.” Not merely historical hindsight, this view was articulated in the early 17th century by a group of writers known as arbitristas.

Who was the King of Spain in the 17th century?

By the end of the 17th century, the balance of power had shifted from Spain to France. The shift coincided with the end of the Hapsburg dynasty in Spain, to be replaced at the beginning of the 18th century by ironically … the French House of Bourbon (the present King of Spain, Juan Carlos is Bourbon by descent).

When did most of the Spanish Empire disintegrate?

In the early part of the 19th century, most of the former Spanish Empire overseas disintegrated with the Spanish American wars of independence.

When did the Kingdom of Spain become a monarchy?

In 1516, Habsburg Spain unified a number of disparate predecessor kingdoms; its modern form of a constitutional monarchy was introduced in 1813, and the current democratic constitution dates to 1978.