What were some of the hardships that travelers faced when moving west?

What were some of the hardships that travelers faced when moving west?

Once they embarked, settlers faced numerous challenges: oxen dying of thirst, overloaded wagons, and dysentery, among others. Trails were poorly marked and hard to follow, and travelers often lost their way. Guidebooks attempted to advise travelers, but they were often unreliable.

What hardships did people face on the Oregon trail?

The hardships of weather, limited diet, and exhaustion made travelers very vulnerable to infectious diseases such as cholera, flu, dysentery, measles, mumps, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever which could spread quickly through an entire wagon camp.

What was the most difficult part of the Oregon trail?

Crossing rivers were probably the most dangerous thing pioneers did. Swollen rivers could tip over and drown both people and oxen. Such accidents could cause the loss of life and most or all of valuable supplies. Animals could panic when wading through deep, swift water, causing wagons to overturn.

What was the biggest danger faced by settlers on the Oregon trail?

The journey west was difficult and sometimes deadly. About 10 percent of the Oregon Trail’s passengers died along the way. One of the biggest killers was disease, namely cholera, diphtheria, and dysentery. People also drowned at river crossings, fell under wagon wheels, and simply succumbed to exhaustion.

What was the biggest danger faced by travelers on the Oregon Trail quizlet?

By covered wagon. Question 5: What was the biggest danger faced by travelers on the Oregon Trail? D) Accidents, weather, and disease. Question 6: If you were a Native American leader, and you refused to move off of your land, what’s the most likely thing that would happen to you?

Why would the journey west have been difficult for early settlers?

Obstacles included accidental discharge of firearms, falling off mules or horses, drowning in river crossings, and disease. After entering the mountains, the trail also became much more difficult, with steep ascents and descents over rocky terrain. The pioneers risked injury from overturned and runaway wagons.

What kind of hardships did the pioneers face?

In America’s early days, pioneers headed west to make new homes or become gold prospectors, and on their journeys, which were often thousands of miles, they encountered disease, treacherous roads and enemies. Traveling rough roads in covered wagons often resulted in death from failed river crossings, accidents or Indian attacks.

Where do the hardships in life come from?

Most hardships come from the requirements of everyday life. As an example, some Christians work hard to condition their bodies for athletic competition. Still, others have to go through rehab to bring their bodies back to just normal functioning. Pushing our bodies is the way they become stronger.

How are people able to deal with hardships?

It’s true that some of our ability to deal with hardships and failure has to do with biological traits and genetics. Some of it may have to do with luck. But mostly it has to do with the environment and people around us. Our parents, siblings, peers, educators, and community all play a vital role in shaping who we become.

What was the most common problem on the Oregon Trail?

Food poisoning was was often a problem with contaminated food, more likely among single men. Scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C was also a problem. Poisoning from drinking water that was too alkaline was also common. There was a high incidence of childbirth on the trail and tragedy often came with the arrival of a baby.