What was the significance of the 1994 Cairo conference?

What was the significance of the 1994 Cairo conference?

In 1994, infant mortality averaged 62 per 1,000 live births. The conference’s objective aimed to lower that number to only 12 per 1,000 live births. A goal was also outlined to lower maternal mortality to 30 per 100,000 women. These objectives would be furthered by a pledge to offer prenatal care to all pregnant women.

When was the Cairo conference held?

November 22, 1943 – November 26, 1943
Cairo Conference/Periods

Where was the Cairo conference?

Cairo Conference/Location

Which of the following was not a topic of the Cairo conference?

Enslaving ethnic fgroups was not a topic of the Cairo Conference.

What was the outcome of international conference held in 1994?

“The term ‘reproductive health’ was defined by the United Nations (UN) in 1994 at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development. All Member States of the Union endorsed the Programme of Action adopted at Cairo.

What is Cairo program of action?

The Cairo Conference moved population policy and programmes away from a focus on human numbers to a focus on human lives. It put the emphasis where it should be: on improving the lives of individuals, and increasing respect for their human rights.

What decisions were made at the Cairo conference?

In the Cairo Declaration, jointly released by the United States, the Republic of China and Great Britain on December 1, 1943, the allies pledged to continue the war against Japan and to eject the Japanese forces from all the territories it had conquered, including the Chinese territories, Korea, and the Pacific Islands …

Who did not attend the Cairo conference?

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin did not attend the conference as his meeting with Chiang could have caused friction between the Soviet Union and Japan (the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact of 1941 was a five-year agreement of neutrality between the two nations; in 1943 the Soviet Union was not yet at war with Japan, whereas …

Why did the Soviet Union not attend the Cairo conference?

What is the Cairo plan?

The plan recognized that population growth needs a program that increases the educational, economic and policitcal rights of women. This in turn leads women to want fewer children. It thus makes women partners in economic development.

When and where was the first International Conference on Population and Development held?

The Programme of Action builds upon the World Population Plan of Action, adopted at the World Population Conference held in Bucharest in 1974, and the recommendations adopted at the International Conference on Population, held in Mexico City in 1984.

What is the outcome of international conference held in 1994?