What was the role and impact of the Spanish as they moved from South America to North America?

What was the role and impact of the Spanish as they moved from South America to North America?

Discuss the role and impact of the Spanish as they moved from South America into North America. Spanish scouted for riches and brought with them diseases which devastated the Native Americans. Enslaved the Native Americans to scout for riches and supply food to the Spanish. Spanish settled primarily into Florida.

Why did King Charles III of Spain want settlements to be established in Alta California?

King Charles sent orders to his viceroy (governor) in Mexico, telling him to organize a group to go to Alta California. Skilled immigrants were expected to follow the Franciscans to California, and become settlers there. The Spanish government wanted there to be marriages between Spanish people and the Indians.

Where was the first Spanish settlement in North America?

Spanish explorers mapped the North American coastline north of Florida up to Newfoundland, Labrador, and Greenland by 1501. Ponce de Leon made the first major effort to establish a permanent settlement in North America in 1521.

Why did Spain want to colonize the New World?

Aside from spiritual conquest through religious conversion, Spain hoped to pacify areas that held extractable natural resources such as iron, tin, copper, salt, silver, gold, hardwoods, tar and other such resources, which could then be exploited by investors.

What was the significance of the Spanish missions?

In most cases, Spanish arms were necessary for the mission program to succeed, especially in northern New Spain, today’s Greater Southwest and northern Mexico. Tierra de guerra (Land of War) were noted on Spanish maps as Apachería, Comanchería, Centro de Navajo, Tierra de los Yutas, and others.

Who was responsible for the expansion of the Spanish Empire?

The overseas expansion under the Crown of Castile was initiated under the royal authority and first accomplished by the Spanish conquistadors. The Americas were incorporated into the Spanish Empire, with the exception of Brazil, Canada, the eastern United States and several other small countries in South America and The Caribbean.