What was probably the greatest achievement under the Northwest Ordinance?

What was probably the greatest achievement under the Northwest Ordinance?

One of the main accomplishments of the Congress under the Articles of Confederation was passage of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 organizing the settlement of the Northwest Territories. The United States Government succeeded in settling conflicts associated with the settlement of western lands.

What were 3 features of the AOC 3 weaknesses?

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Congress had not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. There was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress. There was no national court system.

Which of the following describes an accomplishment of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

Which of the following describes an accomplishment of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? It resolved tensions with Indigenous communities over American encroachment.

What was the significance of the northwest ordinances?

Northwest Ordinances. The ordinances were a major accomplishment of the often-maligned government under the Articles of Confederation. Moreover, the ordinances foreshadowed how the issues of territorial expansion and slavery would become intertwined during the ensuing years.

How many states could the Northwest Territory have?

The Northwest Territory must eventually comprise a minimum of three and a maximum of five states; an individual territory could be admitted to statehood in the union after having attained a population of 60,000. Under the ordinance, slavery was forever outlawed from the lands of the Northwest Territory,…

What was the purpose of the ordinance of 1784?

The Ordinance of 1784, drafted by Thomas Jefferson and passed by Congress (April 23, 1784), divided the territory into a handful of self-governing districts.