What was one of the primary motivations in the 19th C for the new phase of European imperialism?

What was one of the primary motivations in the 19th C for the new phase of European imperialism?

With this shift to New Imperialism, Europeans were motivated by the promise of economic growth, the sting of national rivalry, and a sense of moral superiority. With economic growth in mind, Europe believed expansion would not only supply them with cheap resources, it would create new markets in which they could trade.

How was colonial rule a threat to Southeast Asian culture?

How was colonial rule a threat to southeast asia culture? European conflict for resources, prestige, and territory led the British to expand in Southeast Asia, and the French to respond by setting up territories in what is presently Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. which country took over the majority of vietnam?

Which Southeast Asian country remained independent while others became colonies of European nations?

Countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia were colonised by the British, French and Dutch respectively, and they weren’t alone in their struggles. However, one country in the region didn’t suffer from colonialism. Despite enduring wars and territorial changes, Thailand remained independent. Here’s its story.

How did the people of Southeast Asia respond to colonialism?

In order to make sense of the variety of ways in which Southeast Asians responded to colonialism, expressions of protest and resistance might be approached under three general categories: traditional, synthesis, and radical movements.

What was the resistance movement in World War 2?

Resistance movements during World War II occurred in every occupied country by a variety of means, ranging from non-cooperation to propaganda to hiding crashed pilots and even to outright warfare and the recapturing of towns.

Who are the five largest resistance movements in Europe?

Resistance usually arose spontaneously, but was encouraged and helped from London and Moscow. The five largest resistance movements in Europe were the Dutch, the French, the Polish, the Soviet, and the Yugoslav; overall their size can be seen as comparable, particularly in the years 1941–1944.

What was the role of historians in Southeast Asia?

Heeding the needs of nationhood, Southeast Asian scholars, many of whom were trained in European schools, began redressing the histories that were written for them by colonial historians by writing from the perspective of the nation.