What solution did the United Nations propose to solve the Arab Israeli conflict after WWII?

What solution did the United Nations propose to solve the Arab Israeli conflict after WWII?

The UN Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations that recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish States. It was rejected by the Palestinians, leading to a civil war and the end of the British Mandate.

What did UN Resolution 242 say?

Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the 1967 conflict, without specifying the extent of the withdrawal. The resolution, therefore, neither commands nor prohibits total withdrawal.

What did UN Resolution 181 do?

United Nations Resolution 181, resolution passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1947 that called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, with the city of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) to be governed by a special international regime.

What did the UN partition plan do to Israel?

On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions. The Jewish side accepted the UN plan for the establishment of two states. The Arabs rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state.

How did Arab nations respond to the Six Day War?

Still wounded by their defeat in the Six-Day War, Arab leaders met in Khartoum, Sudan, in August 1967, and signed a resolution that promised “no peace, no recognition and no negotiation” with Israel.

How many UN resolutions does Israel have?

As of 2013, the State of Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Since the UNHRC’s creation in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined.

What was the UN partition plan and what was its impact?

The Partition Plan, a four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem.

Why did the US support the Arab-Israeli War?

The United States sought a middle way by supporting the United Nations resolution, but also encouraging negotiations between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East. The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine.

What was the role of the UN in the Arab-Israeli conflict?

In summary, the role of the United Nations has been central in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The League of Nations proposed the Balfour Declaration and supported the Partition Plan. Later it defended the Palestinians right to have their own state by publishing Security Council Resolution 242 in 1967 and the Roadmap To Peace in 2002.

What did Israel control before and after the Six Day War?

Before and after the Six-Day War; after, Israel controlled the West Bank, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and Sinai Peninsula. The 1948 war was a conflict fought between the newly established State of Israel and a coalition of Arab armies.

What was the armistice between Israel and the Arab states?

Israel and the Arab states did not reach any formal armistice agreements until February. Under separate agreements between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Syria, these bordering nations agreed to formal armistice lines.