What social changes did the Commercial Revolution cause?

What social changes did the Commercial Revolution cause?

What social changes were caused by the commercial revolution of the Middle Ages? The use of money caused serfs to pay for the land in rent rather than with labor. A new middle class of people appeared: merchants, traders, artisans. Women were allowed to carry on trade and buy and sell their own property.

How did the Commercial Revolution change social life in Europe?

As money poured in from this new global trade, Europe continued to transform. The Commercial Revolution also caused a population explosion. Simply put, as wealth flooded the continent, it allowed for larger families. In turn, these larger families created a work force to sustain and grow Europe’s new global economy.

Which social class did the Commercial Revolution create?

Merchants, bankers, and capitalists became the middle class and grew in size and economic power. Due to this Commercial Revolutions, Western Europe shifted to free peasantry and commercial agriculture. However, in the East, serfdom continued and nobles continued to dominate economic life on large estates.

How did the Commercial Revolution influence the development of social structures in China?

In what is known as the Sung Dynasty’s commercial revolution, Chinese society grew in size, wealth, and technology, and developed its first national economy. Merchants became a powerful social class, and they expanded China’s international trade networks as far as Africa and the Middle East.

What were three effects of the Commercial Revolution?

Among the features associated with it were a surge in overseas trade, the appearance of the chartered company, acceptance of the principles of mercantilism, the creation of a money economy, increased economic specialization, and the establishment of such new institutions as the state bank, the bourse, and the futures …

How did commercial rivalries influence warfare among European states?

Commercial rivalries influenced diplomacy and warfare among European states in the early modern era. European sea powers vied for Atlantic influence throughout the 18th century. Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British rivalries in Asia culminated in British domination in India and Dutch control of the East Indies.

How did the Commercial Revolution change the economy?

First, the Commercial Revolution changed Europe from a local economy to a global one. Before the revolution, most goods were produced for family use or to be sold within local towns and villages. Other than a few traveling merchants, there was really no way to peddle goods to a larger population.

How did the American Revolution change the social order?

By changing the government of the land, the Americans had in fact changed the social order, including the norms and principles to live by. The idea of American democracy was brought out in the open for the first time. The republican ideology was introduced with its emphasis on liberty, equality, individual rights, and struggle against corruption.

Why did the Americans fight for social change?

The Americans were rebelling against the royalty or upper crust at the time (American Revolution). Naturally, they were desirous of social change, enough to fight over it. Theirs was a struggle to achieve a kind of an equalizing democracy. The American revolutionaries tried to change through bloodshed their government.

How did slavery change during the American Revolution?

If there were social changes then they were subtle, complex and incidental, rather than being an explicit aim of the revolution. Slavery was undoubtedly weakened by revolutionary ideas and the War of Independence, though in many ways it was also fortified in the new society.