What resources does Togo lack?

What resources does Togo lack?

Overview of Resources The mineral products produced in Togo in 2010 include phosphate, cement, diamond, gold, clinker, and limestone. The country has many undeveloped mineral resources such as iron ore, manganese, bauxite, gypsum, marble, rutile, and zinc.

Are there diamonds in Togo?

Togo has several areas with deposits of diamonds and gold. The Birrimian area in the north is one of the main gold yielding areas.

Is there any gold company in Togo?

There are no industrial gold mines in Togo and no official gold production figures. The figures provided in Togolese media on the gold sector refer only to exploration permits allocated, but no current exploitation.

Are there lions in Togo?

The Official National Animal of Togo. The African lion is the national animal of Togo. Unfortunately, there are no African lions left in the wild in the country. The Oti-Mandouri National Park was created to protect these animals, but steps were not effective in stopping poaching there.

What is the climate like in Togo?

The climate is generally tropical with average temperatures ranging from 27.5 °C (81.5 °F) on the coast to about 30 °C (86 °F) in the northernmost regions, with a dry climate and characteristics of a tropical savanna.

What natural resources does Chad have?

Chad’s mining sector is underdeveloped, and the country’s mineral resources are under-explored. According to a 2010 geologic survey by the Government of Chad, Chad may contain deposits of gold, silver, diamonds, quartz, bauxite, granite, tin, tungsten, uranium, limestone, sand, gravel, kaolin, and salt.

Where does Swiss gold come from?

While the gold originates in ninety different countries, roughly half of all the gold imported for processing in Switzerland comes from Britain, the United Arab Emirates or Hong Kong – three countries that produce no gold themselves.

What kind of Natural Resources does Togo have?

Togo’s economy is sluggish and depends mainly on agriculture. The country’s GDP was $6.497 billion as of 2011. The country’s natural resources include phosphates, limestone, and marble.

What kind of land does Togo have in the world?

According to CIA World Factbook, arable land in Togo accounted for 5.2% of the total land area following the estimates of 2011. The arable land is cultivated for a wide range of crops, and subsistence agriculture is the most dominant in the country.

What kind of extractive industries does Togo have?

The latest EITI disclosures (2016) show that Togo received USD 37 million from extractive industry taxation. Almost all of these revenues came from mining, mainly cement (limestone) and phosphates.

How is a mining license awarded in Togo?

Licenses are awarded on a ‘first come first served’ basis, but the lack of a mining cadastre means there can be overlap between mining prospecting licenses and artisanal mining licenses. With support from the World Bank, Togo is modernising its mining cadastre system.