What problem does Katniss have with her training with Haymitch?

What problem does Katniss have with her training with Haymitch?

What problem does Katniss have with training with Haymitch? Haymitch is forcing her to be cheerful and happy. Katniss wants to feel like a closed book. You just studied 8 terms!

What is Haymitch’s session with Katniss about?

Haymitch asks Katniss and Peeta if they want to train together or separately, in case one has a secret skill she or he might not want the other to know about it. Haymitch tells them not to reveal their strengths until the private session with the Gamemakers and to be sure they’re always seen together.

Why would haymitch coach Katniss and Peeta separately?

Haymitch explains that the Gamemakers must have liked her temper. Later, at breakfast, she learns that Peeta has asked Haymitch to coach him separately, that he doesn’t want to be Katniss’ training mate anymore. This chapter serves to illustrate further how Katniss cares more about her family than she does herself.

Why is haymitch having such a difficult time coaching Katniss for the interview?

Katniss is uncooperative, and she doesn’t like to talk about herself. Haymitch becomes frustrated, and he tries to explain that she needs to make herself someone that people will cheer for…. someone who is likable.

What does haymitch tell Katniss when he is training her for interviews?

He asks if Katniss is ready for her interview, but she says she’s awful. He tells her to be herself, since everyone already loves her spirit, and generally comforts her. The time for the interviews comes.

Why does Haymitch say that Katniss probably won’t be punished for her actions?

D’oh! Katniss wants to know what will happen to her. Haymitch says that it wouldn’t make sense to arrest her or punish her family. They’ll probably just make her life hell in the arena.

Why is Haymitch having such a difficult time coaching Katniss for the interview?

Why might tributes want to be coached separately?

It is because he loved Katniss and didn’t want to tell her. Training alone with the mentor allows a tribute to hide their skills or chosen strategy from the other tribute. This moment adds to the distrust Katniss has towards Peeta, and at that moment she feels betrayed.

What’s the one thing Haymitch orders Katniss not to do during training?

Answer: Haymitch tells them not to reveal their strengths until the private session with the Gamemakers and to be sure they’re always seen together.

Why did Haymitch not want Katniss to go to the games?

Haymitch says he doubts it, that they need her in the Games and wouldn’t want to have to explain what had happened in the private training session. He explains that they’ll simply make her life difficult in the Games, which, Peeta adds, they’ve already promised to do. Katniss feels much better after dinner.

Why did Katniss leave without letting them say anything?

Katniss explains that she left without letting them say anything, then she asks if they’ll go after her family or arrest her. Haymitch says he doubts it, that they need her in the Games and wouldn’t want to have to explain what had happened in the private training session.

Who is Haymitch on the train with in The Hunger Games?

In this part of the novel, Katniss and Peeta are on the train with Haymitch, and we can see that Haymitch is enjoying himself with his alcohol.

How old was Haymitch Abernathy in The Hunger Games?

There is no information on his childhood. At age 16, Haymitch was reaped in the Second Quarter Quell (or the 50th Hunger Games) along with female tribute, Maysilee Donner, and two unnamed male and female tributes.