What percent of Illinois is female?

What percent of Illinois is female?


Persons under 18 years, percent  22.2%
Persons 65 years and over, percent  16.1%
Female persons, percent  50.9%
Race and Hispanic Origin

What percent of Illinois is male?

Illinois Gender and Religion Statistics The median age in Illinois is 37.4 years of age, with a slight gender difference over the state- 50.9% female and 49.1% male.

What is the population of Illinois as of today?

Illinois lost nearly 80,000 residents in 2020, marking the seventh straight year of population decline, according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. Illinois’ population is now 12,587,530, a decline of almost 2 percent since the beginning of the decade.

What is the largest racial minority group in Illinois?

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Illinois are White (Non-Hispanic) (60.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (13.9%), White (Hispanic) (10.7%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (5.6%), and Other (Hispanic) (5.59%). 23.3% of the households in Illinois speak a non-English language at home as their primary language.

What is the population of people in Illinois 2021?

12.85 million
Illinois population in 2021 is estimated to be 12.85 million, It is the sixth largest as per US States by population, and largest population city is Chicago located in the northeast. Its area is 57,914 sq miles (149,997 sq km) and density is 232 per sq miles (89.4 per sq km).

What is the population of Chicago 2021?

The current metro area population of Chicago in 2021 is 8,877,000, a 0.14% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Chicago in 2020 was 8,865,000, a 0.03% increase from 2019.

What are the demographics of the state of Illinois?

Population Demographics by Race and gender. Male Female Total Total Population 6,292,276 6,538,356 12,830,632 White 4,517,187 4,660,690 9,177,877 Hispanic or Latino 1,046,609 980,969 2,027,578 Black or African American 873,686 992,728 1,866,414

How many female students are there at Illinois State?

There are approximately 11,812 female students and 9,066 male students at Illinois State. Reporting of the gender of Illinois State is unknown or unavailable. Faculty Gender Ratio 91.24 out of 100. There are more female teachers than male teachers at this school. More about Illinois State faculty.

What is the percentage of Christians in Illinois?

In religious terms, Illinois shows its preferences with a 71% preference for Christian based faiths, a 6% affiliation with non-Christian based faiths, and 22% of the population being unaffiliated with any particular religion. Illinois was included in the Northwest Territory established in 1787 and then in Indiana Territory (1800).

Which is the largest county in Illinois by population?

Many of these smaller cities make up a part of the Chicago Metropolitan Area (prosaically also known as Chicagoland), which holds between 8.3 and 9.8 million people, depending on how you classify its boundaries. Cook County is the largest county in Illinois, housing 5,238,216 people.