What makes Uruguay unique?

What makes Uruguay unique?

Uruguay is the country with the oldest population in South America. While places like Japan and Italy might be famous for having the oldest populations in the world, Uruguay is leading the way for countries in South America, as the only country from the region in the top 50.

What is Uruguay most known for?

What is Uruguay Famous For?

  • Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America, it has about 3.4 million inhabitants with approximately 1.8 million people living in the capital city, Montevideo.
  • The country has a vast wine industry and it is located in the top five producers of wine in South America.

What drugs are legal in Uruguay?

Cannabis is legal in Uruguay, and is one of the most widely used drugs in the nation. President José Mujica signed legislation to legalize recreational cannabis in December 2013, making Uruguay the first country in the modern era to legalize cannabis.

What’s the difference between Uruguay and Paraguay?

Uruguay has a way better education, health care, general city development, better goverment and other things, whereas Paragua Even though they are demographically simillar (both small countries with <7.000.000 poeple) they are very different when it comes down to economic development and culture in general.

When did Paraguay gain its independence from Spain?

Paraguay achieved its independence from Spain in 1811. In the disastrous War of the Triple Alliance (1865-70) – between Paraguay and Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay – Paraguay lost two-thirds of its adult males and much of its territory. The country stagnated economically for the next half century.

Where did the country Paraguay get its name from?

etymology: name derives from the Spanish pronunciation of the Guarani Indian designation of the Uruguay River, which makes up the western border of the country and whose name later came to be applied to the entire country. conventional long form: Republic of Paraguay. conventional short form: Paraguay.

What was the war between Paraguay and Brazil?

In the disastrous War of the Triple Alliance (1865-70) – between Paraguay and Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay – Paraguay lost two-thirds of its adult males and much of its territory. The country stagnated economically for the next half century.