What Mahe de labourdonnais did for Mauritius?

What Mahe de labourdonnais did for Mauritius?

Some of the things that Mahe de Labourdonnais developed included warehouses, a dry dock for shipbuilding, an armoury and powder magazine, barracks and a fort, an aqueduct, which brought a good water supply over miles from Grande Rivière Nord Ouest, and a hospital.

What did the Dutch do in Mauritius?

The Dutch period (1598-1710) The first Dutch settlement lasted only twenty years. Several attempts were subsequently made, but the settlements never developed enough to produce dividends and the Dutch finally left Mauritius in 1710. They are remembered for the introduction of sugar-cane, domestic animals and deer.

Where did Mahe de labourdonnais do in Mauritius?

In 1734, Bertrand Mahé de Labourdonnais, a great sailor and trader was appointed governor of the island. He transferred the head quarters of the island from Port South East to Port North West. During his governorship he built roads, a big civil and military hospital which still exists near the harbor.

When did Mahe de labourdonnais died?

November 10, 1753
Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais/Date of death

What did Mahe de la Bourdonnais want to do in Mauritius?

Mahé de La Bourdonnais had much grander projects to make Mauritius more than a naval and military outpost to support France’s commercial and military ventures in India. He wanted to build additional quays and depots in Port Louis harbor and transform the port into a busy import and export hub.

How did Mahe de la Bourdonnais get arrested?

Pondicherry’s governor Dupleix, who had to rely militarily on and second tenacious Mahé de La Bourdonnais when the town was under siege, plotted against him. His enemies accused him of taking bribes from the British not to raze but ransom Madras. Later he was arrested in Falmouth, England as a prisoner of war.

Why was Mauritius known as the Isle of France?

Mauritius, known as Isle de France under the French colonial administration, owe much to its development during that period from the vision of the then French governor Mahé de La Bourdonnais.

What was the role of slaves in Mauritius?

The 2011 report of the Truth and Justice Commission also sheds light on how slaves were used to produce bricks, lime, wood and iron works in high demand in construction. A second aspect historians mention is the land-clearing role of slaves in developing Mauritius into a sugar colony.