What made Robespierre a good leader?

What made Robespierre a good leader?

Robespierre supported virtue and law over monarchy, famously called for liberty and fraternity, successfully toppled the aristocracy, and created a more democratic system in France. He also helped bring about a more equitable system for imprisonment (enforced after the revolution).

What kind of leader was Robespierre?

Maximilien Robespierre was a radical democrat and key figure in the French Revolution of 1789. Robespierre briefly presided over the influential Jacobin Club, a political club based in Paris. He also served as president of the National Convention and on the Committee of Public Safety.

Why was Maximilien Robespierre popular?

At age 30, Robespierre was elected to the Estates General of the French legislature. He became increasingly popular with the people for his attacks on the French monarchy and his advocacy for democratic reforms. He also opposed the death penalty and slavery.

What is the significance of Robespierre?

Robespierre was the architect of the Reign of Terror in France. His name is often associated with the French Revolution. He started out representing the Third Estate, advocating for basic human rights for all – rich, poor, slave, free or otherwise. He also opposed the death penalty for many years.

Which of the following describe the ultimate fate of Robespierre?

From February 13 to March 13 1974, he withhdrew from his activities due to his illness. On 19 March, he alongwith his 19 followers were arrested. On March 24, they were guillotined.

Who was Robespierre What fate did he meet Class 9?

He was leader of Jacobins in French Revolution. One who speak against him was executed on guillotine. He believed that to establish and consolidate democracy,to achieve the peaceful rule of constitutional laws, they must first finish the war of liberty against tyranny….

Who was Robespierre what date did he meet?

When in 1789 the king summoned a national assembly, the Estates-General, Robespierre was elected as one of the representatives from Arras and began his career in national politics. He attended the first meeting of the Third Estate on May 5th, 1789, the day before his thirty-first birthday.

Who was Robespierre Class 9 short answer?

Answer: Maximilien Robespierre was the king of France Who Ruled I’m the period 1813-1814 . He follwed the policy of Discrimination of people . Region of terror was under his rule .

Who was Robespierre why is his reign referred as the Reign of Terror Class 9 Ncert?

robespierre was the leader of jacobins club. he was born on 6 may 1758 and died on 28 July 1794. his reign is referred as the reign of terror because during that time guillotined system was used and 1400 people were died during this period. he followed a policy of severe control and punishment.

Why did Robespierre have so much fear of political traitors?

Why do you think Robespierre had so much fear of political traitors? I think they became distorted because there was so much fear and mob mentality. The leaders were afraid of rebellion, and the people feared for their life so they did what they could to stay alive.

How did Robespierre become a revolutionary in France?

Robespierre overthrown in France. He studied law through a scholarship and in 1789 was elected to be a representative of the Arras commoners in the Estates General. After the Third Estate, which represented commoners and the lower clergy, declared itself the National Assembly, Robespierre became a prominent member of the Revolutionary body.

Why did the French people think Robespierre was humane?

They thought it was humane because it was advertised as painless. What kind of leader was Robespierre? Do you think he did a good job of representing the wishes of the French people? He was an extremist, I think he was not a good representative of the people because he killed so many of them.

Why did Robespierre want to overthrow Louis XVI?

In the National Convention, he emerged as the leader of the Mountain, as the Jacobin faction was known, and opposed the Girondins. In December 1792, he successfully argued in favor of Louis XVI’s execution, and in May 1793 he encouraged the people to rise up in insurrection over military defeats and a food shortage.