Table of Contents
What joints are the most common in the body?
Diarthroses (freely movable), also known as synovial joints, are defined as containing synovial fluid that allows for all parts of the joint to move against each other. Synovial joints are the most common joint in the body and are the type of joint that most people are familiar with.
What are the joints of the lower limbs?
The lower extremity includes the hip, knee, and ankle joints, and the bones of the thigh, leg, and foot. Many people refer to the lower extremity as the leg. In fact, the leg is the part of the body between the knee and ankle joints.
What are the 6 main joints of the upper limb?
The upper limb has a wide range of precise movements associated with it to allow us to effectively interact with our environment, the 6 main joints covered here (from proximal to distal) are the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, shoulder, elbow, radioulnar, and wrist joints.
Which is the most common type of joint in the body?
The synovial joints are the most common type of joint because this joint helps us to perform a wide range of motions such as walking, running, typing and more. Synovial joints are flexible, movable, can slide over one another, rotatable and so on.
Which is the most commonly dislocated joint in the upper limb?
Due to it’s mobility, it is not surprising that the shoulder is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body. Another joint of the upper limb is the elbow joint; Formed between the humerus of the upper arm and the radius and ulnar of the forearm, it is a hinge-type joint which allows us to flex and extend our arms.
Which is the most mobile joint in the body?
The shoulder joint is highly mobile ball-and-socket type joint between the scapula and the head of the humerus. It allows for a vast array of movements from the shoulder and is reinforced by its many ligaments and the rotator cuff muscles.