What is the tone of the book uglies?

What is the tone of the book uglies?

The tone of Uglies is Cynical which means that people are mostly interested in themselves and in the book Uglies the only thing the uglies want is to become pretty and when they become pretty all they care about is how pretty they are and how pretty everyone else is. .

What is the theme of Specials by Scott Westerfeld?

In Scott Westerfeld’s, Specials the theme is people can change very quickly. The theme of this book is people can change very quickly because both with and without the operation, or the cure, people in this book are always changing.

What is the mood in the uglies?

The mood is suspenseful, emotional, and action-packed.

What happens in Extras by Scott Westerfeld?

Plot synopsis. Aya Fuse is a 15-year-old girl living in the futuristic city of Yokohama. One night, accompanied by her hovercam Moggle, she crashes a party in New Pretty Town hoping to track down a group she saw surfing a mag-lev train, a story which she believes will make her famous.

What is the irony in the uglies?

It’s funny in a dark, ironic way, like how often Tally tries to do one thing, but ends up doing the opposite. For instance, she grabs a mask when she’s in New Pretty Town to hide her ugliness—but it’s a pig mask.

Who is the antagonist in the book Uglies?

Cable. Dr. Cable is the Special who forces Tally to betray the location of the Smoke and the main antagonist of the novel.

Is Uglies a series?

Uglies series/Books

What point of view is uglies told in?

Uglies is narrated in the third-person by the main character, Tally Youngblood.

Is extras worth reading?

Over all, if you enjoyed the last three books of the Ugly series, than Extras is worth the read, but be warned, it is not as awesome as the others, but still pretty good. This was one of the very best book I have ever read.

Who are the characters in extras by Scott Westerfeld?

Extras by Scott Westerfeld is the fourth book in the Uglies Series. In this book, Aya is the younger sister of a highly successful kicker who wants to come up with a face changing kick of her own. When Aya sees a group of girls surfing the super-fast mag-lev trains, she infiltrates their group in order to kick their story.

Who is Aya in extras by Scott Westerfeld?

This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion on Extras by Scott Westerfeld. Extras by Scott Westerfeld is the fourth book in the Uglies Series. In this book, Aya is the younger sister of a highly successful kicker who wants to come up with a face changing kick of her own.

Who is the author of the book Extras?

Extras is the fourth book in Scott Westerfeld’s critically acclaimed, New York Times bestselling series (originally it was a trilogy). The first three books Uglies, Pretties, and Specials follow Tally Youngblood, a fifteen-year-old girl living in a futuristic world so dominated by plastic surgery that anyone who looks normal is ugly.

When does the story of extras take place?

Extras is set a couple of years after the “mind-rain,” a few earth-shattering months in which the whole world woke up. The cure has spread from city to city, and the pretty regime that kept humanity in a state of bubbleheadedness has ended.