What is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still be the same substance called?

What is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still be the same substance called?

Atoms. An atom is the smallest unit of a pure substance or element that can exist and still retain the properties of the original substance or element.

What is the smallest particle of an element that can be identified as that element?

Atom : The smallest particle of an element, made of electrons, protons and neutrons.

Who said atoms are smallest particle that an element can be divided and still be the same substance?

Part 2: All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties. Dalton proposed that every single atom of an element, such as gold, is the same as every other atom of that element.

Which of the particles is the smallest?

Quarks. Quarks represent the smallest known subatomic particles. These building blocks of matter are considered the new elementary particles, replacing protons, neutrons and electrons as the fundamental particles of the universe. There are six types, called flavors of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom.

Which is the smallest particle an element can be divided into?

1. Atom – the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still be the same substance. 2. Electrons – the negatively charged particles found in all atoms.

Which is the smallest unit of matter in the universe?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that has the properties of an element. It is composed of a dense core called the nucleus and a series of outer shells occupied by orbiting electrons. The nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons, is at the center of an atom.

What happens when you divide water into two halves?

However, if you divide it up into smaller and smaller portions, say halves, you can only divide it until you have 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen. If you divide it further, it is no longer water. It will become something else.