What is the senior rater option?

What is the senior rater option?

The senior rater may direct that a “SR–Option” report be made on any Soldier whom they senior rate when a change in senior rater occurs. (2) The rater meets the minimum 90–day requirement (120–day requirement for drilling USAR TPU, DIMA, or drilling IRR Soldiers or ARNG (M–DAY) Soldiers).

What is the senior rater profile?

Senior raters must evaluate and identify their best Soldiers based on performance and potential, regardless of the particular position they occupy.

What document provides specific information on the evaluation of warrant officers?

(4) Under the ERS, a Soldier is evaluated on his or her performance and potential. The ERS consists of two categories of evaluation reports: (a) Mandatory and/or optional evaluations. The applicable evaluation report forms are the DA Form 67–10 series (OER) and DA Form 2166–9 series (NCOER).

What are the sections of an Ncoer?


  • Character Bullets. (Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos / Service Ethos, Discipline, SHARP/EO/EEO)
  • Presence Bullets. (Military and professional bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience)
  • Intellect Bullets. (Mental agility, Sound judgment, Innovation, Interpersonal tact, Expertise)

How do I find my old NCOERs?

A6-9. On the landing page in EES, select the Continue/View Active NCOERs radio button, the hyper link will go to a page which will display the list of recently processed and pending evaluations (active evaluations). The status of the evaluation will be displayed.

Is rater and senior rater the same?

YES. Joint and Civilian Raters and Senior Raters will operate under the same rules, and manage a profile, just like those in the Army. An Army Officer must review those evaluations rendered by a Joint Officer or Civilian to ensure accuracy and correctness.

What DA PAM covers Ncoers?

DA PAM 623-3 is one of the replacements for AR 623-205 which previsouly covered all aspects of the NCOER. DA PAM 623-3 prescribes the procedures for completing evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS).

What is an Army senior rater?

Mission: Identify your best • Counseling – ensure counseling is accomplished • Raters decide how to assess and use of Excels indication based on performance • Senior Raters decide how to assess and use of Most Qualified Based upon potential.

Can your rater and senior rater be the same?

What are NCOERs?

An NCOER (DA Form 2166-8) is a form used to document a person’s performance for a specific length of time –usually a year. Everyone in the Army has their performance rated and recorded this way and, if you’re a supervisor, you’ll be responsible for writing NCOERs for the people you report on.

Who is responsible for supplementary review of ncoers?

This supplementary review will be performed by a uniformed Army Soldier, senior to the senior rater within the rated NCO’s organization in the rank of SGM/CSM, CW3 through CW5, or CPT and above. -when no uniformed Army-designated rating officials exist in the rating chain.

Which is the first level of NCOER report?

The first NCOER form, which is referred to as the direct-level report is for NCOs in the rank of SGT. This form is developmental in nature. At this level, junior NCOs are refining the ability to apply competencies at a proficient level.

When do you get your OER or NCOER?

The “FROM” date for these OERs or NCOERs will be the day after the “THRU” date of the previously completed OER or NCOER with the rating period beginning the day the Soldier is assigned under an established rating chain. A rated Soldier may also receive an optional “Extended Annual” OER or NCOER under unique circumstances.

Which is a senior rater in the military?

-To senior rate NCOs in the ranks of staff sergeant (SSG) or SSGP, military senior raters will be at least the rank of master sergeant (MSG) or above. -To senior rate NCOs in the ranks of SFC or SFCP, military senior raters will be at least the rank of SGM or above.