What is the process by which individuals that are better adapted?

What is the process by which individuals that are better adapted?

Natural selection is the process by which individuals that have favorable variations and are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adapted individuals do.

What do you mean by survival of the fittest class 12?

Survival of the fittest means that organisms that are better adapted to their environment are best suited to survive and successfully reproduce.

Which term describes when individuals leave more offspring than other individuals?

What is this an example of? What is differential reproduction? When individuals leave more offspring than other individuals.

What is Lamarck’s theory called?

Lamarckism, also known as Lamarckian inheritance or neo-Lamarckism, is the notion that an organism can pass on to its offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime.

What are inherited characteristics that increase an organism’s chance of survival?

Any inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s chance of survival. The process where individuals with characteristics that are not well suited to their environment either die or leave few offspring, while individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully.

When does natural selection occur in a population?

Understanding: Natural selection can only occur if there is variation among members of the same species. Natural selection acts on the genetic variation between individuals in a population. Some individuals will have advantageous variations that are better adapted to the environmental conditions.

What is the effect of selective pressure on a population?

Explain the effect of the selective pressure on the more and less adapted individuals in a population. Understanding: Individuals that are better adapted tend to survive and produce more offspring while the less well adapted tend to die or produce fewer offspring.

Why are individuals that are better adapted more likely to survive?

Understanding: Individuals that are better adapted tend to survive and produce more offspring while the less well adapted tend to die or produce fewer offspring. Because populations produce more offspring than the environment can support., individuals often must compete for resources required for survival and reproduction.