What is the primary control on an oil burner?

What is the primary control on an oil burner?

Primary controls detect both the pres- ence and absence of flame. A safety feature of primary controls is that they will not activate the oilburner for startup if the control senses a flame during the off cycle. This prevents additional fuel being pumped into a unit that has a fire before startup.

What is the function of a primary control?

In particular, a primary control has three specific functions: Responding to the thermostat. Responding to the limit control. Controlling the startup, run cycle, and shutdown of the burner.

What are two types of primary controls used to supervise the operation of an oil burner?

into two groups — the combustion control system and the burner management system.

What does oil burner control do?

The spark ignites the oil and there is fire. A word of caution, if the oil fails to ignite the flame sensor will stop the pump. This is a safety feature so that unignited fuel oil is not pumped into the combustion chamber.

What is the function of a furnace limit switch?

A furnace limit switch is a component of a forced-air furnace that is responsible for turning on the furnace blower once the desired heat has been met inside the furnace. Without a functioning furnace limit switch, a furnace would not be able to regulate the temperature in conjunction with a thermostat.

What is the function of a CAD cell on an oil furnace?

The cadmium sulfide cell, or cad cell, is part of the primary control system and is used to sense the presence of the oil burner flame. The cad cell assembly consists of the actual cell, a holder, and cord to connect the cell to the primary control.

What is a primary control on a boiler?

primary control. as it is sometimes called, is designed to keep the water in the boiler hot so that it can respond quickly to a call for heat. Large cast-iron boilers, in particular, take some time to heat up if the water is allowed to cool to room temperature.

What is the control voltage for an oil furnace?

For a typical residential oil burner application, the breakdown voltage at the electrodes is between 8000 and 10,000 volts.

What is the function of a CAD cell on an oil fired furnace?

What is the purpose of the second line on a two pipe oil delivery system?

One way to solve the problem of air and gases in the oil is with a two-pipe system. This has a second, return, line which pumps the separated air along with any unburned oil back to the tank.

How does a burner boiler work?

A gas boiler functions in a similar way to oil or biomass boilers, with the central element being the burner; this is switched on and off by a heating control. The burner is connected to a heat exchanger that heats water in its chamber, the hot water is then pumped in the direction of the heating circuit.

How does oil burning furnace work?

When activated, the oil furnace uses a fuel pump to draw oil from a reserve tank through a filter and into the burner chamber. There, the oil is converted into a mist that is sprayed onto the burner. The air that was pulled from the home and into the furnace passes over the chamber and heats up as well.

What are the functions of the primary control?

The primary control has three main functions: 1. To respond to the thermostat 2. To respond to the limit control 3. To control the startup, run cycle, and shutdown of the oilburner.

How does the oil furnace burner control work?

When the burner lights, the light from the flame is sensed by the cad cell and the burner continues to run. If the cell does not sense light within the programmed time period, the control shuts off the burner and it must be reset by pushing the red button. The trial for ignition time is 45 seconds.

Which is the primary control in an oil heater?

• The primary control, which regulates the operation of the oilburner. In a properly designed, installed, and serviced oilheat system, these three components work together to safely satisfy a call for space heating, cooling, or water heating.

How does a light sensitive burner control work?

It uses a light sensitive cell to determine if the burner has ignited. This control is mounted usually on the burner assembly. Upon a call for heat, this control turns on the burner motor and the spark transformer. When the burner lights, the light from the flame is sensed by the cad cell and the burner continues to run.